Page 40 of Rock

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It’s so clean and immaculate that I already feel right at home.

I’m impressed but not at all surprised. My father does nothing by halves.

“Not just a pretty face, sweetheart.”

I walk toward the kitchen and wave my hand around. “There’s a lot going on there.”

He leans his hands on the kitchen island and looks around. “What? It’s just a kitchen.”

I turn to him. “Don’t laugh.”

He puts a hand over his heart. “I would never.”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t cook.”

He stares at me blankly, “That’s gonna be an issue.”

I frown. “No, it won’t. The staff…”

His face turns from amusement to confusion. “Staff?”

“Yes. At home, we have a chef, a maid, a butler…” I trail off, swallowing hard. “There are no staff here, right?”

He shakes his head slowly. “No, sweetheart. Just me. And I don’t cook. I don’t clean either. Unfortunately, I didn’t take after my twin brother.”

I frown. “Twins?” Oh, God. There’s two of them?

“Calm down, he’s taken.” He smirks as I shake my head.

I can see that Rock isn’t gonna be hard work, and I should be thankful that at least we’re getting along. Even if he is getting under my skin just a little bit.

“Ha-ha.” I swallow hard then ask. “What about you? Are you taken?”

He stares at me, his eyebrow lifting slightly. “Why? Interested?”

I shake my head. “No. I’m just wondering what you’re going to tell him or her about why you’re out every single night, at another woman’s apartment.”

“Her,” he states. “I’m into chicks.”

“Never can tell these days,” I say. “Didn’t want to offend.”

“None taken. And if Cash says you do somethin’, then you do it. No questions asked.”

“Sounds severe.”

“That’s the life of a biker. Cash is a good man,” he tells me, looking suddenly serious.

I run a hand over the cool marble and then wander onwards, toward where the bedrooms must be.

“What do you do, Rock?” I ask. “As your day job?”

I feel his proximity so close behind me and now that I’m locked inside this huge apartment with him, it’s kind of exciting. More exciting than it probably is, but being out of my dad’s house with absolutely nobody else here, except us, sends exhilaration through me. It’s like being free.

“I own a truckin’ company.”

“Oh?” I say, surprised. “And you’re not needed there?”

“No, I’ve got it covered. I also do more security for the club than I ever have, so I’m needed there more at the moment.”
