Page 45 of Rock

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She seems to be on cloud nine after arriving, something I didn’t expect. It has thrown me off a little. Why would anyone be excited about this? She’s basically being kept prisoner for her own good and isn’t allowed to do anything without her father’s say so.

Only the few people from the clubhouse know she’s here, and have overheard that she’s a lot to handle. She definitely lives up to her reputation of being a pistol as well as difficult.

I make a mental note to stream some episodes of Tail Spin to see exactly what everyone is talking about, along with the infamous episode of Aspyn punching the chick who slept with her boyfriend. Now that I've met her, I can certainly see how it happened with that fiery temper. Sweet but spicy. I make a conscious effort not to chuckle.

“Rock?” Cash says, continuing what he was going to say. “A word.”

I give him a chin lift and follow him out to the foyer.

“Sup?” I say. He has that look in his eyes, and I have no clue what I did wrong this time. I always seem to put my foot in it somehow.

He turns to face me. “When I say nobody is to come into this apartment but you, I mean it. The only thing I’ll allow is a change of shift. You’re expected to be here, and if you need to check on the shop, then she goes too.” His tone is firm, reiterating the fact that this is important to him. “Since I’m puttin’ you in charge, you can work the shifts out with Tag and the prospects. I need a copy of the schedule to send to Tommy. Better yet, email it to Jas and she can forward it on after briefin’ me.”

“Got it.”

“Oh, and one other thing.” He points in my face. “Stay away from her.”

I frown. “Little bit hard, boss, considerin’ you don’t want me to leave.” We’ve had this discussion already.

“Don’t be a wiseass, you know what I mean.”

I palm the back of my head. “She’s not my type.”

“She’s pussy. She’s your type. I’m not kiddin’ around. I told her father she was safe here.”

“And I told you she is safe. I’m handlin’ it. Not short of hearin’, Cash. I think I know when I can get my dick wet and when I can’t.”

He stares at me for a moment, and I don’t look away. “Good. Tommy and I go way back. Last thing I need is her goin’ back cryin’ to daddy because some punk broke her heart.”

“Not gonna happen.”

He thumbs behind him. “She shouldn’t give you too much drama.”

I snort. “You buy that little act she’s got goin’ on?”

He chuckles. “Not really. Which is why we’re not takin’ any chances. Not with Forger still on the loose.”

“This shit has to end soon.”

“When he’s bein’ protected by the underworld crime syndicates, things take longer than usual.”

“The Irish mafia gonna get involved?”

The club has called on them before when shit went down with Cash’s brother. Now I proudly wear the scars to fuckin’ prove it.

“Not unless it’s completely necessary, though the Devils aren’t formin’ any alliances with them anytime soon.”

“Swear to God, Forger is a fuckin’ phantom.”

“Tell me about it.” Cash looks stressed every time this subject comes up.

The fact this asshole keeps going underground and nobody can find his, or the club’s, permanent location is driving us up the wall. No matter how much surveillance I hack into around the city where I know he’s been seen, he always seems to fly under the radar. Something isn’t right, I can feel it in my bones.

“I’ll text you with any important updates. In the meantime, I’m gonna look into her background, check out her ex and her friends, see if I can come up with anythin’ that may have been missed.”

I know the cops already ruled Lisa out because the threats began before Dylan started the affair.

He gives me a chin lift. “Anythin’ changes from Tommy’s end, you’ll be the first to know.”
