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Six years later

Aged 23

I bounce the ball against the wall, just like they do in the movies.

Waiting to get out of jail isn’t fun, especially when you’re not sure if anyone’s coming to bail you out.

Of course, I wasted the only phone call on my brother, namely because his is the onlyphone number I know.

To say things have been strained between us these last six years is an understatement. We’ve seen each other, but things have never been the same after he joined the MC.

I walked away without a second glance and Jett accepted his fate.

My brother has thrived, something I’m pleased about, because despite what he thinks, I still want what’s best for him. My jealousy stems from him not needing me and instead turning to the MC like they’re his family.

Childish? Maybe.

Do I hold grudges? Freakin’ A.

At least I’m consistent. I don’t play games. I have no agenda.

What you see is what you get, and because I came from nothing, I have nothing to lose. Except Jett.

He harbors resentment toward me for walking away all those years ago. I didn’t hide my anger, and he didn’t change his mind, so I figure we’re even.

Now I’m waiting in the hope that he’ll remember his blood and not leave me here to rot.

I’ve been in the joint plenty of times for petty theft and dumb shit, but if they knew half the stuff I’ve done, they’d lock me up for good and throw away the key.

I don’t know how long I bounce that damn ball for, but when I hear the warden come to the front of the cell and call my name, I feel relieved that I don’t have to spend another night in this hell hole. It’s dirty and smells like piss.

He unlocks the door and rolls it back as I step out.

Though I didn’t touch anything in here, I want to go bathe in disinfectant.

I follow him down the hall, ignoring remarks from the other lowlifes in custody, and before I know it, I’m collecting my contraband and making my way past reception.

My brother stands on the other side of the door looking very unhappy.

I grin.

He looks about the same. I haven’t seen him for years but nothing much changes with the two of us. I’m a little more unkempt than him, but that’s because I don’t have pussy at the ready like he does; sweet butts cleaning his room and cooking his meals for him.

Maybe I’m a dumbass for not following him into the Rebels all those years ago.

He rolls his eyes as the door is unlocked and we’re face to face.

I try not to balk at the fact he’s wearing a cut that reads: Jett, Treasurer - NOLA Rebels MC. So he’s had a promotion?

His hair is long, like mine, but I wear mine up most of the time.

The chicks dig it, along with the multitude of tattoos I have all over my body. The things I’ve had to do in order to afford ink…

I’ve always had a big build as well as being tall, and since we’re identical, Jett’s the same. If we want to split hairs, I’d say I’m a little more defined, but he’d argue the point.

“Brother,” I say, giving him a rueful smile. “It’s been a while.”

“Yeah, it has.”
