Page 57 of Rock

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I cuss as I watch Rock pick him up and pass him to me. My hands trembling all the while.

Tears spring to my eyes and escape down my face.

Rock stands and stares at me as I wipe my tears away.

“Pirate,” I say, rubbing my face in his fur. “I’m so sorry. Mommy’s really sorry. I wasn’t thinking…”

“He must’ve followed you out without you knowin’,” Rock says, his tone gentler.

He pulls the door closed again and runs a hand through Pirate’s fur. To my amazement, Pirate lets him.

“He’s cold,” I say, shaking myself with what I just did.

“Don’t get so upset, he’s fine.”

“He can jump up on the railing, Rock,” I cry. “He’s been on our roof many times. He could’ve plummeted to his death.”

He gives me a sad look, knowing it’s true. “I’ll fix it.”


“Don’t worry about it. Just keep him inside until tomorrow. I’ll build something.”

Build something?

“He isn’t used to high rises.”

“I’ll make a cat enclosure,” he says. “So he can come out here and so you don’t have to have a heart attack every time he wants to play.”

“But how?”

He smiles. I like his smile. “I’ve got skills.”

I nod gratefully. “Thank you.”

Something about my tears has Rock staring at me with a new look in his eyes. I don’t need or want his sympathy, nor do I care what he thinks about me crying in front of him. I love Pirate. He’s my only friend right now, and I locked him outside on the top floor of a tall ass fucking building.

I try not to lose it.

“Come here.” He pulls me into his chest, and I’m engulfed by him. All of him.

He smells like soap and that same musky scent as I smelled earlier in the car.

His body is warm, his hair damp as it touches my skin, indicating a recent shower.

My heartbeat accelerates, leaping and bounding all over the place at his close proximity. Even Pirate stays completely still as I try to gather myself.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter. “I’m not usually this…emotional.”

“I get it. He’s important to you.”

“I’m so stupid.”

He pulls back, his hands settling on my shoulders as my breath hitches. “No, you’re not stupid. It was an innocent mistake that anyone could make. Pirate is fine, and tomorrow I said I’ll fix it so you don’t have to worry, okay?”

I nod, feeling about as small as a person can get. I almost killed my fur baby.

Maybe he would have survived the night waiting to be let in, but I know how curious he is. The thought makes me woozy. This is exactly why I hate heights.
