Page 74 of Rock

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“Take a seat, the Gumbo won’t be too long. Usually, I heat it up on the stove, but by the look on Rock’s face, he wants to get you out of here quickly.”

I frown, lowering myself onto one of the stools on the other side of the bench. “Why do you say that?”

He smirks. “Have you seen yourself lately?”

I look down at myself. “What’s wrong with me?”

He laughs. “There’s nothing wrong with you! I meant, you’re gorgeous, Aspyn. So I’m not so sure that Cash made the right move with Rock.”

“I’m sure that’s not true.”

“Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great guy. But he’s a guy. And you’re exactly the type he goes for…”

“That’s funny, he told me I wasn’t.” I omit the part where he told me he lied. I want to hear more information on what Manny knows about Rock.

Manny’s eyebrows perk up. “Ah, you’ve had the conversation already, then?”

I hold my head in my hands. “I shouldn’t even be telling you this.”

He snorts. “You’ll find I’m kind of the Agony Aunt around here. A role I’ve taken on quite proudly. Apparently, there’s just something about my face that makes people want to confess all their sins.” He laughs at the idea, then adds, “Though it could be worse; Priest is the one you really want to avoid.”

“There’s a biker called Priest?”

He snorts. “Yep. And before you ask, no, he’s not really a priest, but he is the spiritual advisor for the club, a chaplain, amongst other things. And he has this way of getting information out of you easily. Makes me wonder if he wasn’t with the FBI or the secret service in another life.”

I blink a couple of times. “This club is nuts.”

He laughs. “A little.” Then he gives me a chin lift. “So, what shouldn’t you be telling me?”

I shake my head. “Just me and my big mouth.”

The microwave pings and he retrieves the contents. It smells amazing.

I love how he’s feeding me even though I didn’t tell him I was hungry or agree to eat his Gumbo. I think Manny likes to take care of people. He has a sweet nature and a nice aura about him.

“Well, I’ll say this, don’t be worried about Rock. Despite the hair and the tats and the impressive beard, he’s a pussycat once you get to know him.”

“Apparently, he fucks hard.”

Manny almost drops the bowl as he cusses and dumps it on the bench, some of it swilling over the side. “Holy fuck, woman!” he chastises. “A little warning before you shock me with your potty mouth.”

I snort. “It’s not my potty mouth you have to worry about, though I did kinda proposition him, as a joke, and he said no.” I tell myself it was a joke, to save face, but I can’t deny how my body reacts to him.

Manny’s eyes go wide as he wipes the side of the bowl with a cloth and slides it over to me. “He said no? That can’t be right. What the hell is wrong with him?”

I probably shouldn’t have said anything, but my self-esteem is a little shot after Dylan and Lisa’s little stunt. “God, this smells delicious.”

He smirks. “Wait until you taste it. You might be propositioning me.” He gives me a wink when my eyes meet his, and I laugh.

“I’m not one to brag, but it’s won prizes,” he goes on.

I dip the spoon into the stew-like dish served over white rice and take a mouthful. When I groan loudly, Manny’s grin widens. The flavors… Wow, it’s amazing.

“Oh my god.”

“I take it, you approve?”

“Oh yes. It’s delicious.” I nod, taking another mouthful. “What’s in this anyway?”
