Page 75 of Rock

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“Lots of stuff. Meat. Chicken. Sausage. Vegetables and shrimp, mainly. It’s my grandma’s recipe.”

“She’s an amazing cook.”

“She was.”

I look up. “I’m sorry.”

He shrugs. “It’s alright. She lives on in my kitchen. I’m just glad you got to experience the best before you try it elsewhere.”

“I’m sure it won’t compare.”

“The boys like it plenty.”

I make more appreciative noises as Manny watches me eat. “So, Rock?” I press.

“Right,” he laughs. “I’m intrigued to hear the rest of this story.”

“I’m an idiot, that's all I can say. I was trying to goad him, then shoot him down. I don’t know why, but it backfired.”

“You’re not an idiot. And it’s not possible he’d really mean no. Unless Rock’s taking what Cash said seriously.”

My eyes go wide. “What did Cash say?” Although, I kinda already heard it when I was spying.

He gives me a pointed look. “That you’re off the table. His good friend's daughter. Told him to keep his hands off, that kinda thing,” he says, waving a hand around. “And Rock only just joined the club not long ago, so he’s still trying to prove his worth to the boss. Trust me, he wants to.”

I shake my head. “I shouldn’t have said anything like that to him. The truth is, I don’t sleep around. Now he thinks I’m just as big a Jezebel as Lisa.”

Manny snorts. “He doesn’t think that. He’s a biker. Trust me, he’ll be stewing over it. Rock’s a deep thinker, like his brother.”

“I heard he has a twin?”

“He’s a little more chill than Rock. Though Jett has the nickname ‘the Beast’ when he gets going, usually he’s placid. Takes a bit to provoke.”

I laugh. “So I have the evil twin?”

He smirks. “You could say that. But getting back to Lisa… God, I’m so happy to hear that you rearranged her nose. Is it true you broke it?”

I nod sagely. Not my finest hour. “I wish I could say I feel sorry, but I really don’t. Apparently, she was having an affair with a married man before this.”


“I know. What is wrong with people who cheat? Do they think they’re never going to get caught? I don’t get it.”

“Ugh, neither do I. There is no room for lies in any relationship, even a short-lived one. I can’t stand it. Just be who you are. If the person doesn’t like you for you, then walk away. Find someone else. Be honest, but don’t cheat.”

I can tell right away this is a sore subject for him, just as it is for me.

“I hear you, trust me. I have trust issues myself now.”

“I mean, your ex is cute and all, but what an asshole. I guess he showed his true colors.”

“You’ve no idea, and get this, he even wanted to get back with me!”

Manny’s face is shocked as he leans on the bench with his elbows. “Get out?”

I shake my head. “I’m not kidding. He was all like, we can work it out. Give me another chance. I can’t lose you. Bla bla bla. He didn’t give two shits about losing me when he had his dick buried inside Lisa’s Jezebel hole.”

Manny rolls his lips to save from laughing.
