Page 9 of Rock

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“A few. But are you really initiated unless you’ve been in the slammer at least six times?”

He runs a hand through his hair. “I worry about you.”

I frown. This isn’t like Jett. “You sure you haven’t been drinkin’?”

He sighs. “Don’t ever wanna get that call, Rock. You never text me. I never know where you are.”

“You made shit clear in the past. This is how you wanted it.”

“Fuck you. I should stop and make you get out and walk.”

Fuck no. My place is miles from here and I’ve no money for a cab.

Keeping my mouth shut, I look out the window.

Me and my brother have always had this love-hate relationship, and I’m the first one to admit that I hold a lot of resentment. I don’t just let things slide like he does. I’m proud to say I’m not the better brother.

“We ever gonna get past this?” Jett goes on after a long moment of silence.

“Get past what?”

“Don’t pretend like you’re not pissed at me still.”

“Well, who else would I talk to if you bailed on me for good?” I am still bitter. Blood is thicker than water.

“You called me because you know I’m the only one who gives a shit.”


I’ve learned to bury how I really feel, now it just comes naturally.

Jett is the only person I truly care about, even if years pass and we don’t talk. Aside from him, there’s only our grandmother, not that we got to see her growing up because she was on the other side of the country. She’s senile now and wouldn't even know who we are.

I often wonder what would have happened to us if we’d had a loving home with parents who cared about us.

Would we still be the men we are now?

Would we have had a fighting chance at being better people?

I snort and Jett looks at me.

“Somethin’ funny?”

I shake my head. “Just thinkin’.”


“When we were kids, and we first discovered drinkin’.”

He takes a moment, then laughs too. “Fuck, we were little shits.”

“Not exactly our fault. Just thinking about our foster homes still sends chills through me.”

We don’t talk about that. It’s not like we wanna sit around feeling sorry for ourselves because we had a mom who couldn’t care less about us and every adult after her was worse than the last.

That made me dislike women for a long time. I was angry. I’ve never hit a woman, nor would I ever, but I can’t say I’ve been that nice to them either.

We bang, hard, and then she leaves. That’s all I have the capabilities for, and it works for me. The chicks I hang out with are into it.
