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A smile tugs at his lips as he loosens his tie, transitioning from work to dad mode.

"Mission accepted," he says and pads quietly towards the stairs.

I watch him go, noticing how the day's exhaustion fades with each step, replaced by tender determination. Aidan heads into the shadowy hallway, door hinges whispering in the quiet house.

As he makes his way up to Grace's room, moonlight illuminates his path.

Watching him tread softly to avoid creaky floorboards, I catch myself—a bit too caught up by the shape of his shoulders, by his exposed forearms as he pushes his shirt sleeves up to his elbows.

I turn away. "Girl, get a grip," I whisper to the empty room.

Shaking off my daze, I gather my things, thinking of the night air and the bus ride home.

As I stand, straightening my clothes and planning my route, I hear footsteps.

"Heading out?" Aidan's voice, unexpectedly close, makes my heart skip.

I turn, nodding. "Yeah, it's late, and I have that thing tomorrow... you know, pretending to be a functional adult?"

He smiles, but it fades into something more serious. "Can you stick around? There's something I'd like to discuss."

My heart stumbles then steadies. "Is everything okay?" I try to sound casual. "Yeah, it's nothing serious, just something on my mind."

Is this about my coffee habit or using office supplies for crafts? Or is it about that awkward moment after his shower?

Heat creeps over me.

I nod, setting my bag down louder than intended, and sit back down, folding my hands in my lap. "What's up?" I ask, finally looking up at him, ready for whatever comes next.

Aidan settles into the armchair opposite me, his face taking on a serious expression. "I have to go to New York City in a couple of weeks,” he begins, pausing as if to see how I react to just the mention of the city. "There's this event, Save the Turtles with Ties. Sounds thrilling, right?" he adds, his wry smile telling me he finds the concept of turtles in business attire as amusing as I do.

He goes on. "Jessie will be coming along for... logistical reasons." After a brief pause and a slight shift in his posture, he drops the big news. "And, I'd like both Grace and you to join us."

My jaw nearly drops. "Hold on, you, Aidan 'I-avoid-frivolous-events' Sullivan, want us to attend a charity event... for turtles... in ties?"

He rolls his eyes, but I see the hint of a smile. "Yes, unfortunately. It's for a good cause, and it's about time I showed up to another 'frivolous event,' as you call them."

I burst out laughing, relieved that the world hasn't flipped upside down and that I'm not about to be fired. After the awkwardness of inadvertently seeing Aidan fresh from the shower, I was bracing for a very different talk. But as he elaborates, I understand the real reason behind his out-of-the-blue invite.

"Grace has been pestering me to go to one of these Seattle Storm events for ages. I've been keeping her at bay, but the other owners convinced me to support my team."

I nod, getting it.

"So," he wraps up, "what do you think? Wanna Save the Turtles with Ties?"

Excitement for the trip to New York City starts to build. It's a dream destination, and getting paid to visit?

Almost too good to be true.

"I don't know, Aidan," I say, feigning hesitation. "My usual turtle-saving efforts are more about dodging them on the road, not attending galas."

Aidan laughs and leans back, relaxing. "Think of it as a change of pace. Plus, I'll make sure it's fun. We could even treat it as a mini-vacation."

He rolls up his sleeves, grinning, and for a moment, I'm distracted by the sight of his tanned, muscular forearms.

Almost distracted.

"Okay," I agree. "You've convinced me. Let's save some ties."
