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"That's what I wanted to hear." He leans forward, his smile fading briefly. "There's also something else I wanted to talk about..."

He opens his mouth to speak but is cut off by a crash from the TV. His attention shifts instantly, and he squints at the screen playing softly in the nearly empty room.

"What's this you're watching? Looks intense."

I glance at Belle rejecting Gaston on screen. "Oh, just Beauty and the Beast. Classic Disney," I say, a nostalgic smile touching my lips.

"Beauty and the what now?” Aidan frowns, puzzled.

"You've never seen Beauty and the Beast?" I ask, astonished. "How did you skip all the nineties Disney movies?"

"Guess those were more your thing, not mine."

"Come on, you're thirty-five, not seventy-five. This was your era too," I point out, hands on my hips.

"Maybe I was too busy building my company to watch cartoons," he retorts with a half-smile.

"Or maybe you never had the right company to watch them with."

"Hey, I could have found someone if I wanted," he counters playfully.

"Now you have.” I laugh, breaking the brief silence. "You can't go on without experiencing the tale as old as time. It's movie night soon. My treat."

He grins, a warm look in his eyes. "I'll hold you to that."

"Good," I say firmly, our eyes locking for a moment before I stand up suddenly, feeling a rush of adrenaline. "As much as I love talking Disney, it's late, and you've got work. Those turtles won't save themselves."

Aidan stands. "I'll walk you out."

"No need. You've had a long day, and I don't want to impose," I insist.

He's adamant. "Not letting you walk alone. I'm ordering you a car." He's already on his phone.

"Aidan, really, I'm fine."

"I know," he says softly. "But let me do this tonight."

The car arrives quickly, and soon, he's walking me to the door. "I never joke about chivalry."

"Clearly." I step out. "Thank you, for tonight. So, we’re a go for New York?"

“We’re a go,” he confirms.

I wave goodbye and slip into the car. As it drives off, I see Aidan watching until we turn the corner and he disappears from view.

Chapter Nine


Time goes by surprisingly fast. The next few weeks fly by, and since Lacey became Grace's nanny, it feels like we've all settled into a cozy rhythm.

Every morning, I head out for my run—my only escape from my usually racing thoughts.

Then, it's breakfast with Grace, where we tackle the big questions, like whether unicorns are team glitter or team sparkle for their pancakes.

At Seattle Storm headquarters, the usual banter with Ryan and Marcus keeps me grounded.

And every evening, there’s Lacey on the couch.
