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ALTON: We're meeting outside the locker room

My heart races as Ayo, Talia, and I navigate through the crowded stadium, avoiding drunk fans and hotdog vendors.

Using Alton's name to access restricted areas, we soon stand outside the locker room. Tall and impossible to miss, my ex-boss signals me to wait as he disappears inside.

I cross my arms, leaning towards Talia.

"Just my luck. Alton's mystery friend probably is Avery Johnson, and I end up babysitting a team of toddlers."

Talia laughs, but her amusement fades as she looks past the locker room exit.

Striding towards us is the Seattle Storm team owner, Aidan Sullivan, in a suit that screams boardroom, not ballpark.

His tousled dark hair and deep brown eyes make my heart jump as he nears, eyes fixed on me.

“Lacey Alvarez.”

“Aidan Sullivan,” I reply, biting back my surprise.

Then, Alton steps up, and it all clicks.

"Great. You two remember each other. I was worried my matchmaking skills were rusty." He smiles at me, a rare softness in his weathered blue eyes. "Apologies for the secrecy. Aidan's a private man, especially about his daughter and personal life."

Aidan looks me over.

"Alton said he found a suitable nanny." He pauses. "Didn't realize it'd be you."

"Aidan," Alton interjects as Aidan starts to leave. We follow. "Lacey's the best nanny you could ask for. She was a lifesaver with Shelby. She's amazing with kids."

Aidan's expression warms, then he quickly masks it.

"If Alton vouches for you, that's good enough for me." He turns to a woman who appears beside him. "Do we have everything for Grace? I want her set before we leave."

"Absolutely, Mr. Sullivan," the woman confirms. "All prepared."

"Excellent," Aidan says, then looks at me. "Hope you're as good with kids as with penguins, Miss Alvarez. Alton shared your details. Jessie will call tomorrow to arrange everything."

With a nod, Aidan walks off with Alton and the woman.

I'm left stunned, but Talia grins.

"Get ready for your close-up, Lacey," she says, eyes on Aidan's back. "You and Aidan Sullivan are about to redefine 'holy shit'."

I exhale sharply.

"Holy shit" doesn't even begin to cover it.

Chapter Two


After running into my potential new nanny last night, no amount of coffee can cure the emotional hangover, not to mention the lousy sleep. It also didn’t help that the sun wasn't even fully up when Grace decided it was show-and-tell time.

"Daddy, wake up! I made you something. It's you!"

Her excitement got me to open my eyes and see a crayon masterpiece shoved in my face. It was me, or at least a very colorful version, in my suit and tie, but in colors I'm pretty sure no cloth maker would touch.

Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I took the paper, squinting at the...unique portrayal.
