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"Nonsense," Marcus dismisses my concern with a flick of his hand. "Trust us. What could possibly go wrong?"

Fast forward an hour, and I'm questioning my life choices—specifically, why I thought involving Ryan and Marcus would be anything but chaotic.

For every candidate file we review, there's a gasp, a chuckle, or a loud laugh.

One applicant wants to bring her emotional support alligator to work. Another enjoys fire juggling—indoors. And let's not start on the one who claims she's a vampire, preferring night shifts for 'obvious reasons'.

Despite it all, Ryan and Marcus keep coming back to one name.


Their argument is strong; she's normal compared to the rest, her qualifications are impressive, and she has no known bizarre hobbies. Yet.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing, but maybe you're right about Lacey," I admit, slumping into my chair. "At least she's less likely to turn my home into a reality TV show."

"Ha," Ryan celebrates. "See? Trust the pros. Or, well, us."

Marcus nods, pleased. "Indeed, Your Majesty. Your realm is safe once more, thanks to your trusty advisors."

I start to respond, then pause.

Marcus notices. "Um, is there a reason you're not thrilled? We just saved the day. Again."

I sigh, tempted to run my fingers through my hair yet again. "It's just...I'm not sure Lacey actually likes me. In fact," I glance at her file, "I'm certain she doesn't. She made that pretty clear last night."

"Oh snap," Ryan leans back, intrigued. "I'm liking her more already."

"Hey, don't jump to conclusions based on one interaction," Marcus advises. "Some people just take time to warm up."

"Or maybe you're nervous because she's also the most attractive candidate," Ryan teases.

I straighten. "I'm not intimidated by her looks. It's just tricky working with someone who doesn't like me."

Ryan snorts. "Good luck finding someone who does."

I roll my eyes and toss a sticky note pad at him. He's not wrong, though.

Since Grace's mom passed away, connecting with people has been hard. Not that I was ever great at it. After selling my billion-dollar tech company to become the Seattle Storm's principal owner and Chief Sales Officer, my life has revolved around my job and Grace. And I'm okay with that.

I don't have time for shallow relationships.

I look at Lacey's picture again.

This might actually work perfectly. I don't need my nanny to like me.

I need her to care for Grace and be dependable. And according to her resume, she's more than capable.

"Don't sweat it, Your Majesty," Marcus tries to reassure. "She'll fall for your charm eventually."

I shake my head. "Actually, it's better if she doesn't." I look at my two best friends. "But if this goes south, I’m sending you both to the circus with Marcus’ kids. You'll be the new acts."

"Oh come on, we'd be excellent clowns," Ryan says with a grin.

"Speak for yourself," Marcus counters. "I'm the flying trapeze artist."

I leave them to their debate and pick up the phone, dialing my assistant Jessie. She answers on the first ring, her voice crisp.

"Hey Jessie, could you arrange a meeting for me tomorrow with Lacey Alvarez? Around 10 am works."
