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I'd know Lacey's friends' dramatic flair anywhere.

"Okay, okay, but seriously," Lacey's voice cuts through the chatter, "who wouldn't fall for a guy who gifts you an entire library?"

"I'm telling you, Gaston is misunderstood. He's a man with unappreciated virtues. Like, you know, his ability to eat five dozen eggs," Ayo pipes up.

"Oh, stop. You just like that he's good with his mouth," Talia teases, then pauses. "Okay, maybe we shouldn't discuss this around a kid."

I smile, deciding it's time to join in. Clearing my throat, I make my presence known to the room filled with my favorite people and their unexpected guests. The conversation stops, and four pairs of eyes turn to me, gleaming with curiosity, joy, or a mix of both.

"Hey, what did I miss?" I stroll into the living room, sinking into a loveseat next to Lacey. I prop my feet on the coffee table and snag some popcorn from the bowl.

"Nothing, Dad!" Grace exclaims, her coily puff bouncing as she wiggles in her seat. "We were just debating the best Disney prince."

"Ah, the classic debate," I chuckle, catching Talia and Ayo exchanging glances. "So, who's the winner, Grace?"

"Prince Naveen, obviously," she says, rolling her eyes.

I feign disappointment. "Honey, you know I'm all about the Beast."

Lacey scoffs, nudging me. "Please, Flynn Rider is the real deal."

Talia's eyes widen in surprise. "How are you on top of all these prince names, Aidan? I barely know half of them." She squints. "Are you secretly a Disney fan?"

Before I can respond, Lacey jumps in. "The moment he watched Beauty and the Beast, he was hooked."

"Hey!" I protest. "Pointing out animation mistakes and knowing every song doesn't mean I'm hooked." I glance at the nearly empty popcorn bowl. "Time for a refill. I'll grab some more," I say, standing up.

I catch Lacey's eye and nod towards the kitchen, a silent signal she understands immediately.

Even as adorable as she is in a tank and pajama pants, she can't hide the anxiety flickering in her eyes.

"We need to tell her, Aidan. She's picking up on things," she says softly, arms crossed.

I grab a bag of popcorn from the pantry. "I know. It's tough. She sees you as more than just a nanny." I start the microwave, leaning beside Lacey. "After losing Natasha to her wedding, then our drama, now Natasha's pregnancy... It's a lot."

Lacey smiles, a mix of gratitude and concern. "My parents are excited about my job at LuxWay, by the way. Dad's doing so much better, thanks to you,”she adds with a grateful smile, tugging gently at the waist of my collared shirt.

Biting her lip, her deep green eyes search mine, and I do my best to ignore the fact that my beautiful girlfriend's not wearing a bra.

I wrap my arms around her waist, failing at the task as my gaze flicks to her perky tits pressing against the cotton. "I'm just glad he's better. And LuxWay is lucky to have you."

She bites her lip. "But how do we tell Grace? I don't want her feeling abandoned."

"We'll be honest. It's a great opportunity for you, and you'll still be around, just not as her nanny." I kiss her neck gently. "Besides, I think your new roles are even better. LuxWay fashion editor. Girlfriend to Aidan Sullivan." I press my lips to her neck again, nipping at the sensitive skin.

A stir inside my slacks turns into a pulse as my dick begins to harden. I kiss Lacey harder and she softly moans, her hips thrusting forward to press seductively between the center of mine.

"Stop distracting me with your smooth talking," she says, but the words are raspy, more ragged breaths than speech.

I chuckle and pull away, grabbing the popcorn from the microwave just as it beeps. "But seriously, I think Grace will understand. And we can still have movie nights, just with a few adjustments."

Lacey swivels her hips against my pelvis, and I groan. My cock is now in full salute, prodding towards my belt-line as Lacey lowers her hand to cover its full and thickening length.

"Who said anything about talking?" I speak over her skin as my lips trail to her collarbone. "I'm much more of a ‘show’ man than ‘tell,’ anyway."

Reaching up, I palm each of Lacey's bra-less breasts, one thumb rubbing the sensitive nub atop one gorgeous tit as she beings to whimper. I continue to plant kisses along her neck and shoulders.

It's moments like these where everything feels perfect. When it's just the two of us, lost in our own little world. We don't need words to communicate, our bodies do all the talking.
