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"I get it. I’ve been a nanny before, to my niece and nephew. It’s second nature to me."

Her confidence and family orientation make me reconsider my hesitation.

We discuss her job transition, schedule, and juggling responsibilities for Grace. She's capable, responsible, and comes recommended by Alton, a trusted business acquaintance.

Plus, having an attractive woman around all summer doesn't seem too bad...

Reminding myself not to harp on that last point, I move ahead. After placing our orders and picking them up, we negotiate pay, NDAs, and logistics, finding Lacey to be a sharp and engaging negotiator.

With her help, this summer might just turn out fine.

"So, Lacey, when can you meet Grace?"

"Tomorrow morning, if you’re free."

"Tomorrow? That doesn’t give me much time to prepare."

"You said Grace is seven, right?" She doesn’t wait for my confirmation before continuing. "My niece and nephew are five and eight. Trust me, at that age, it’s easier if they just jump in. Otherwise, you’ll be peppered with questions about the 'evil nanny' for days."

"Fine," I give in. "Tomorrow morning it is. But you need to understand something, Lacey." I lock eyes with her, trying to convey my seriousness. "Grace is my world. I expect nothing less than perfection in her care."

A spark of defiance lights in her olive-green eyes.

"Don’t worry, Mr. Sullivan. I have a feeling your daughter will like me a lot more than you do."

I’m about to retort when Vanessa Wellington, epitome of elegance, approaches. Her arrival at the cafe adds an awkward twist to the already tense meeting. Her blonde hair and designer outfit scream high society—a world I barely escaped from.

"Aidan, darling." She pecks my cheek, feigning ignorance of the tension. "I hope I’m not interrupting."

"Not at all," I lie.

"Odd to see you on this side of town. I thought you preferred more... upscale coffee," she says, eyeing my iced vanilla latte.

"I like to mix it up," I say casually.

"Clearly." She turns to Lacey. "And who might this be?"

"Vanessa, meet Lacey Alvarez. She’s going to be Grace's nanny," I interject before Lacey can speak.

A smirk plays on Vanessa's lips.

"How fascinating. Just a quick hello, then. Remember our lunch next week. Lots to catch up on." With a wave, she’s off, leaving a wake of perfume behind.

"She’s an ex?" Lacey asks once Vanessa is out of earshot.

"An old family friend. She works with the firm managing my finances...and Grace’s future estate."

Lacey nods, sipping her coffee. "Doesn’t seem your type."

"You mean you don’t see me with the tobacco-chewing, beer-chugging crowd?" I joke, taking a gulp of the latte Lacey had recommended.

Lacey laughs. "Exactly."

"Vanessa and I go way back. We grew apart as we got older."

"Clearly." She smirks. "You don’t strike me as someone into 'fancier' things, as she implied."

"What’s that supposed to mean?"
