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Rule #4

Safeword. Pick one. When I play, sometimes ‘no’ and ‘stop’ have blurry lines.

Rule #5

Good or bad, I’ll still take care of you. What that looks like will vary between the two. We’ll see which you like better.

“Looks like you’ve got yourself a Dom.” Valco hands the paper back to me, the one I ripped out of my notebook Corvin wrote his stupid ass rules in.

“He’s delusional,” I say, throwing it down on the coffee table. “I don’t need him for a quick fuck.”

Something about the sexual energy that ignites between the two of us makes me vulnerable. It’s like there’s an invisible string connecting us, and every time we get close it catches fire and burns a hole in my chest.

Being with him burns and strips me raw—but for the brief moment that he has me, the heartache of losing Atlas disappears.

“It doesn’t sound like he’s offering you a quick fuck.” Valco kicks his knock-off Doc Martins up on the table. “What’s so bad about hooking up with him?”

I roll my eyes and tuck my legs under my ass, curling up against the arm of the couch. “Principle. He wants me. I keep the upper hand by telling him to screw off.”

Valco scoffs out a harsh laugh. “Fuck that shit. You want the full gay experience? Use that man to get it. At least you’ll be safe, right?”

As much as I hate it, he isn’t wrong. I don’t know the first thing about hooking up with a guy, and my experiences thus far haven’t been the most well thought out.

“I’m serious.” Valco pulls a half used joint from his cigarette pack. “Fuck him. Use him. Let him keep you sober. Then ditch his ass once you’re good and cleared.”

It’s not like Corvin asked me out on a date or anything. It’s just sex. Letting me explore and helping me get over this debilitating desire to sleep with my best friend that should have been kicked the moment I found out he’s sleeping with my brother.

“I’m not exactly into the whole BDSM, tied up and used like a fuck doll thing.” I peer down at my phone in my lap, still on mine and Atty’s most recent conversation—one where I asked if he had time to talk, and he hasn’t responded.

“Is that what he’s into?”

Nothing as the screen goes dark. I shrug.

“He’s into spanking.”

Valco taps his fingers over his knee. “What else?”

“I don’t really know. We haven’t talked about it, yet.”

“Sounds like he might just be into some kinky, fun play time. If that’s the case, he’s right. Just be honest with him about what you like and what you don’t.”

“How very ‘safe and sane’ of you.”

Valco laughs, rolling the joint between his fingers. “I’ve subbed in a few dungeons. You pick up on things.”

My brows shoot up in surprise, but then my phone dings, and my attention diverts.

Atty: Give me half an hour and I’ll meet you at The Creamery. No shift today. My treat.

Even through all the bullshit, Atlas is still so nice.

“I’ve gotta hit the road.” I untuck my feet and stretch my arms above my head. “Where’s Vulture anyway?”

Valco rolls his eyes, finally pulling out his lighter. “Off with the band chick again.”

“What? You don’t like her?”

He seesaws his hand and grimaces. “Debatable.”
