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“Huh?” I go to lift my head, but a throbbing pain starts and I drop it back to Corvin’s shoulder. “Fuck.”

A smooth, deep chuckle sounds in my ear as something brushes my forehead. “Relax. I’m taking you to the showers to clean up.”

“Did you have to pick me up like a damn princess?” I mumble, closing my eyes to tamp down on the dizziness.

He doesn’t answer. I hear the rustling of a shower curtain, something thumps on the ground, and then I’m sat neatly on one of the shower stools. I have to grip the bottom of the seat to keep my balance.

I feel the warmth of the shower spray before I hear it, splattering across my legs. An arm wraps around my waist, lifts me up, and rolls my underwear down my legs.

Not that it matters. They’re a mess anyway.

“Yeah, well I can’t look you over and clean you up with them in the way.”

“Let me think out loud in peace.”

I should fight when a warm washcloth is drug across my collarbones, but as it smoothes over my throat and down my chest, I can’t really think of a reason why I should.

Corvin’s hands are firm but gentle as they grip my thighs and ease them apart.

“A little puffy,” he says, drawing a shiver out of me when his thumb touches the edges of my dick. “You have nothing to be ashamed of, Shiloh.”

I know my t-dick is slightly on the bigger side of normal, but still nothing like what you find in porn. My brain is still a swimming fog, so I don’t know how to tell him that I’m not ashamed of it. I just know it isn’t necessarily satisfying anatomy for dick lovers.

When the washcloth passes down south, it’s instinct to slam my legs closed, but Corvin’s grip doesn’t budge. He’s gentle as he scrubs over and around, pausing only briefly before doing a quick swipe over the rest of my privates.

“Think you can stand so I can get a good look at your ass?”

“Didn’t see enough earlier?” Still, the request makes me smile, and I let Corvin help me to my feet and turn away, leaning my forearms on the wall and resting my head on them.

Behind me, Corvin whistles. “You sure can take a beating, firecracker.” It stings when his fingers make contact with my skin, and it feels like someone lights a match on my ass when he starts scrubbing it with the washcloth.

“Shit.” I bite down on the skin of my arm so I don’t scream. It’s like pouring alcohol over an open wound.

“I’ve got some lotion back in the room. Bear with it just a little longer for me.”

“Such an asshole.”

I get a chuckle in response, but then the both of us go quiet as he wipes down the rest of my body.

I must pass out again, because when I move there’s a rustling of sheets beneath me. After a few moments, I feel like the world isn’t going to tip on its axis, so I open my eyes to find Corvin watching me from his computer chair with a worried expression.

“I did this all wrong.”

The words make me frown, and from my stomach I prop up on my elbows. “What are you talking about?”

He shakes his head. “Rules, preferences, safewords. We should have gone over all of that before playing. Not during.”

“It worked out, didn’t it? We figured it out, and I feel… better than I have in a while.”

“I’m no stranger to having my partners pass out on me.” Corvin rubs a hand over his eyes and down his face.

“Then, what’s the problem?”

Corvin stands, paces the room a time or two, then sits beside me on the edge of the bed. He cards a hand through my hair, then drags the touch down my back, stopping just before my ass.

“If I say it, the spell breaks. I’m not ready yet. Let me get the lotion, we’ll finish our conversation on boundaries and interests, and then if you’re still curious, I’ll tell you.”

I’m not really a fan of delayed gratification, but it’s a day full of new experiences so why the hell not?
