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I swivel the laptop toward him so he can see the latest round of applicants for the date auction, and I don’t miss the dirty look he sends me before pouring his attention to it.

Honestly, Rascal and Shiloh have pretty similar attitudes. Their biggest difference is Rascal doesn’t go out looking for trouble to fuck him in the ass. He’s more the ‘silently brood that these gay porn Daddies aren’t dicking me down right now’ type. Ask me how I know? His ass isn’t the only thing loose about Rascal after a rough pounding.

“Why do so many guys count ‘twisting a cherry stem’ with their tongue as their top reason for being a good catch?”

I shrug as Rascal types away, moving over the people his picky ass chooses to move forward and making mental, big red X’s on the other stranger’s foreheads.

“Is there a reason we’re here and not at the library?”

Good question. Is there a good answer? Well, yes but also no. The Creamery isn’t our usual go-over-business meet up, but it’s a way to kill two birds with one stone.

“A friend is meeting us here.”

Rascal slowly lowers the laptop lid and narrows me with a look. “I’m not going to sit here while you and your newest toy stink this whole place up with your foreplay. And I’m surely not staying for the closet fuck I know you’re going to have.”

“Pretty sure the beefy barista back there would kick my ass if I tried.” I thrust my thumb towards the counter where Atlas is smiling away and helping a customer at the register. “Shiloh’s in class. I’m actually catching up with his brother, Blair.”

“Mhm.” He doesn’t look any less suspicious. “Does this brother know that you’re banging his flesh and blood?”

“No banging has happened yet, so no.”

Rascal crosses his arms. “Does he know that you’re sharing orgasms? Recreating some poorly made BDSM porn you found on the internet?”

All it takes is one look, a cock of my head, and my arm wrapped around to his far shoulder, and Rascal’s eyes take on a slight, wet glaze.

“Screw you, Cory.”

I burst out laughing as I drop my arm, and Rascal jumps to his feet, but not before kicking me in the shin.

He’s a little shit, but I feel like him and Shiloh would hit it off if they gave it the chance.

“I’ll take this to Korra, and we’ll start working on some date mockups.”

The bell above the door dings as Rascal makes his exit, and then Blair is swinging into one of the upholstered chairs on the other side of the table. “Sorry, I’m—“ He huffs some of his long hair out of his face before yanking it back and tying it in a loose pony. “Raven’s last appointment ran long, and I was on clean up duty—”

“You don’t have to apologize to me for working your ass off, man. At least it’s finally something that you like.”

Blair Novak has always been an artsy guy, but due to some shit circumstances has spent most of his adult life working like a dog at every odd job he can find. Now that he’s finally freed up some space in his life, there’s room for him to do something that fulfills his interests: apprenticing at a tattoo shop up in Nashville.

Which seems like it’s running him ragged.

“You know, there’s a lot less tattooing and a lot more equipment cleaning and appointment taking than I thought there’d be.”

“Gotta be their bitch to make sure you can handle the pressure.”

Whereas Shiloh would have flipped me off, Blair’s shoulders just sag and he gives me a defeated puppy stare.

“It’s whatever. I’m fine.” He looks around me and gets that dopey, sweet looking smile that tells me he’s spotted his boyfriend.

“You can suck face when he gets a break. I’ve gotta meet Shiloh when his class wraps up.”

A serious expression falls over Blair’s face, and he rubs his hands together with a little pinch in his brow.

“How is he? It’s been a couple of weeks. How’s he holding up?”

I seesaw my hand and get a brief, relieved smile in response. “Combative. Reluctant. A brat of all brats if ever I’ve seen one.”

Blair’s smile drops to a pronounced frown. “That’s not surprising, honestly. What about his meds? Do they seem to be working? How’s his deposition? Irritated, erratic, unreasonably spontaneous?”
