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I unfurl his crossed arms and drag his hand to my crotch. I’m not hard, but I made sure to pick out a pair of briefs this morning that hold my package extremely well and makes my bulge adequately pronounced.

“But your punishment doesn’t end until my cum paints that pretty throat.”

His fingers curl around me, and he’s not abashed to rub and stroke my dick to life.

“I know I don’t have anything,” he says, finding the head of my dick and rolling his thumb on top of it. “You don’t have anything. Do you want me to beg? Is that it?”

If we weren’t in an obvious public space, I’d have no problems shoving him to his knees and filling that rude ass mouth with my cock.

As it is, his phone lights up in his hoodie pocket, and I take the initiative to remove his hand and reposition my now very apparent erection. There’s a little growl of frustration, but one stern look has him pulling his phone out and punching at the on-screen keys.

It’s only a moment before he smiles, and then he’s shoving his phone in my face like an excited child.

“Negative!” he shouts, jumping to his feet. “All negative. That means I get your cock now, right?”

His voice is at full volume, and I can’t help but cover my mouth so my own smile doesn’t encourage him. Not that it helps because his only widens.

“Soon. We have a few more things to discuss.”

He rolls his eyes, but it doesn’t dampen his mood. “Haven’t we beat all the technicalities into the ground already?”

“One more. And then I promise I’ll let you have your way with me.”

Heat instantly fills his eyes. “Careful what you promise, Morales.”

As if I wouldn’t promise him the goddamn world and mean it.

He shoves both of his hands into his pocket and rocks back on his feet, waiting patiently in a way he wouldn’t have a week ago. I wonder if he’s realized the changes in himself already?

“Negative tests mean that we can play a lot of ways without condoms. I’m on PrEP, and I know anal is one of your limits. But we have other things to consider if penetration is still in your interests elsewhere.”

His face falls, but he’s quick to cover it up. “You mean birth control?”

It’s an uncomfortable topic if the way he kicks his feet in the grass is anything to go by.

“I’m not telling you that you need it. I’m perfectly comfortable with condoms if we get that far. I just want to know where your head is at.”

“I don’t know,” he says with a little shrug of one shoulder. “I was on the pill for a little while after the…” His jaw slams shut, and he tucks his chin down. “I tried it, but eventually I forgot to take it enough times that I just stopped. Never planned on taking a dick until now, so.”

I can read the panic and indecision in his posture alone, because he’s doing his damnedest to keep his eyes hidden.

“Then we’ll just plan on condoms if we’re going to be crossing swords.”

That earns me a smirk and the beginnings of a smile. “Thanks.”

Unable to take this meekness anymore, I stand and grip onto the back of his neck. Gently but with enough pressure to garner his attention.

“Don’t forget that you call the shots. You set the boundaries. I only take what you’re willing to give.”

The last thing I expect is for Shiloh to look up with pure determination in his eyes and push against my hold. For him to wrap both hands around my neck and drag me down to meet him. His mouth willingly opens and wages war with my own.

Shiloh’s never initiated a kiss before, so I let him explore. I let him taste my lips and suck my tongue. The sweet sounds he spills into my mouth are enough to spur my dick back into action. It brushes his inner thigh, prompting him to rock his hips forward to get a better feel.

“Do I need to do something bad to get you in my mouth? Because I’m dying to know what the fuss is about.”

I don’t bother to stop the growl that leaves my throat, relishing in the excited shiver that rolls through his body.

“You going to let me fuck your mouth, sweetheart?”
