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“And I reserve the right to drag you out and spank you like the brat you are.”

His cheeks turn a beautiful shade of pink, and I have to cover my mouth to hide my amusement. He steps up to me with his hands stuffed in his pocket, chest puffed out, and head tilted back to look up at me.

“If you make me horny, you deal with the consequences.”

I raise my brow because this is the first time sex has come up in any capacity since the night he fucked me. Which is an experience I’d love to repeat when he’s in a better frame of mind.

“You know I’ll always give you what you need.”

The corners of his lips twitch up, and I can’t help bringing my hand to his face to rub my thumb over them. He flicks his tongue against the pad of my finger and backs away, picking his phone up off the desk and putting it in his pocket.

The thing has been sitting on the charger turned off for days. I think this is the first time he’s touched it since coming back from the hospital. It would explain Blair’s worried texts.

The drive would be quiet if not for Shiloh flipping through stations and playing with the volume knob like it’s a fidget toy. It takes me turning off the car and opening the door—shutting off the radio—for him to look through the windshield and see where we are.

He gulps and sends me an apprehensive look.

“They’re worried about you.”

He drops his eyes from mine and picks at the skin of his thumb.

“It was easier last time.”

I reach over and capture his hand. To my surprise, he lets me. Even squeezes my fingers back.

“What does that mean?”

He shakes his head, and I can see the blood blooming on his lip from worrying it with his teeth.

“They didn’t know. Still don’t.”

One look in his eyes, and I’m brought right back to that scared boy packing up his bag and shooting daggers at me as I stand at his bedside.

“You tell no one. This didn’t happen.”

“I already covered for you with your brother. This isn’t my story to tell.”

I’ve kept that promise. What happened to him is for him to tell or hold inside. I can’t protect him from this, though. From the aftermath. This time, I wasn’t there to act as his shield from the rest of the world. To be his cover story.

But I’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant he didn’t look like walking up the steps to his brother’s apartment was going to tear him to shreds.

“Sweetheart.” I rest my fingers over his throat and turn his chin to face me. “Let them love you. Can you do that?”

He gulps, and I press my fingers in tighter to remind him that I’m here.

“That’s how people get hurt.”

The shame that spreads across his face makes my heart drop. I want to light his eyes up with praise, but I know he isn’t there yet.

“Be a good boy, and do it for me. I’ll give you whatever you need tonight if you’ll humor me in here.”

His submission isn’t automatic. The wheels turn in his head, and the anxiety has him squirming in the seat. Only when his eyes rise to mine and he breathes the tension out of his shoulders do I know he’s given in.

“Whatever I need? No questions asked?”

I narrow him with a look that turns his cheeks pink.

“Only ones regarding your safety and consent.”
