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It’s balanced, but I’m a broken scale.

“What if I want you to take all of it?” My voice shakes as I drop my head to his shoulder. “Take it all and leave me as broken and raw as they did.”

His arms incircle my waist, holding me tightly to his chest.

“‘All’ is a strong word.”

There’s pieces of me I can’t find. Because of these men. And the ones before. Buried so deep I don’t even know where to look. If I want them back, I need to break.

“I need you to wreck me. Demolish me. Strip me bare, and then…” I gasp as a sob works its way out of my throat. “Then give it back. All that… That aftercare bullshit you’re always on about.”

He doesn’t say anything at first. Just holds me and forces me to listen to his breathing, to focus on the rise and fall of his chest. To fight back the tears threatening to spill over.

“You want pain? You want cruelty?”

I nod and bury my face in his neck, inhaling his sandalwood scent.

“You trust me to give that to you?”

As if I could trust anyone else.

I press my lips to his neck, the softest most indulgent kiss I’ve offered. Where words fail me, my body can usually make up the difference.

“Do you need it now, or can I prepare?”

I need something now.

Maybe he feels it in the erratic energy I can’t contain, but he holds me tighter and drops his mouth to my ear.

“We’re going to go back to the dorm. I’ve got some work to do. You can sit under my desk and play with my dick until I’m ready to use you. How does that sound?”

It sounds quiet.

I don’t answer right away, and I get a harsh swat to my ass that makes me grit my teeth.

“I hear you have a stroker to show me,” he says with a chuckle. “I’d like to see you edge yourself with my cock in your mouth.”

Other than his light playing a few minutes ago, my dick has remained untouched for nearly a week. I’m not entirely sure I could stop myself if an orgasm came creeping up.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I can keep you in line. Trust me.”

That’s what it all comes down to.


The one person I know without a shadow of a doubt I can trust my pain with.

And the one person who could shatter the remaining pieces of me if I just give in.

I’m so tired of fighting.

Chapter 20


“I think you underestimated the amount of muscle you’ve put on since prom.”

Atlas is behind me, chuckling as he helps me adjust the light blue blazer clinging tightly to my shoulders.
