Page 109 of Survival is Hard

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But I failed.

But somehow… I still stabbed him.

A sob breaks free, and I curl into a ball on his floor, my legs pressing into my chest..

He approaches me, the knife I stabbed him with in his hand, and I start to shake much more violently. The blood is dripping down his abdomen, coating his trousers, from the shallow stab wound. I was originally aiming for his throat, but in the confusion, I got his stomach.

His eyes are blank, a darkness within them that terrifies me. The shadows behind him seem to follow him through the room, the echoing of his slow, methodological footsteps sounding ten times louder in the silent house.

His shoulders are hunched, his hand clenched tightly around the knife, as he advances towards me.

He crouches down next to me, the knife catching in the dim lighting from the open door, and I hold in my shriek.

It’s time.

He’s going to kill me.

And it’s right after I decided I wanted to survive.

“Shh,” he soothes, but that only makes my sobs worse. I’m going to die.

I know it. I can feel it.

It’s coming.

But I refuse to be a silent victim. I hope once I’m gone that my cries keep him up at night.

The knife drops to the floor, the sound clattering and echoing in the very bare room, and then I’m moving. I feel myself being cradled into a chest.

His chest.

And my wolf howls, and I sob, and she howls again.

But we’re not reacting the same.

Not even a little bit.

“Shh,” he soothes again, laying down in his bed as I continue to break down. He cuddles me in close, his scent intermingling with Orson’s from the shirt I’m wearing, and I can’t decide which one is more soothing. “Go to sleep, little darkling.”

And without my permission, my body obeys.



Something within me settles when she finally falls asleep. I don’t understand it. I wish I did.

When she broke down crying earlier, I had no choice but to leave. I had work that needed done, to cover up for her fucking mate, to try and buy us both a little more time.

A dispatch team has been sent to clear the bodies, to remove evidence of our crime.

Well, all they know is that it’s their crime.

Once I got that sorted, I went and sat outside her room. I wanted to be anywhere else, hated listening to the way she breathed so steadily, so softly.

Hated the smell of her other mates ruining my perfect hit of cherry.

I hated that I couldn’t take more than a step away.
