Page 191 of Survival is Hard

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“You wouldn’t like them,” I say with a smirk as I meet Cev’s eyes. His eyes are light, the emotions calming and reassuring. He’s happy, and that makes me happy. Throwing back to his argument about heroes and villains just to confuse the others, I add, “I love the deliciously dark villains, not the heroes. I know you think I prefer otherwise.”

My lion’s nostrils flare as he leans forward in his seat, glaring at me across the table. “Titles, Nora.”

“My kindle is on my side table,” I say with a smirk. “Knock yourself out.”

And he’s gone, his food forgotten.

Hopefully, he’ll come find me when it comes to the one-handed reading portion because I could definitely free up his hand.

Atticus leans over to squeeze my hand before turning to the tiger at my left. “Process Nora’s resignation tomorrow.”

Mal groans but nods.

“I’ll miss seeing you at the office every day, pretty girl,” Micah says.

“I’ll not miss you going to the office everyday,” Orson replies, grinning at me.

I laugh and settle in as we finish our food.

Today has been one of those days that’s taken a lot out of me. But I didn’t retreat or bury my head in the sand.

I’ve talked with my mates, I’ve talked with George and Kat, and I’ve figured things out a bit at a time.

Hopefully, when my heat comes, things are a lot more settled within me, so I can just enjoy it.

Even without a baby being made.



“I’ve got you a gift,” Voss says, and I turn a little hesitantly. He’s got a big grin on his face, his jade green eyes are lit up in amusement, and he’s giving off a cheeky waft of smugness.

“What kind of gift?” Orson asks, sensing the same energy that I am.

“Let me see,” Griffin says, holding out his hand as if he actually expects Voss to pass it over.

“It’s not for any of you,” Voss says, rolling his eyes. He plops a beautifully wrapped gift onto my lap, and I look at it before grinning at him.

“Thank you.”

“You’ve not even opened it yet,” Mal says, rolling his eyes. “What if it’s a shit present?”

I shrug. “He’s wrapped it so prettily, so he’s put lots of time into it. I love it already.”

“And I love you,” Voss says, kissing the top of my head before sitting on the armchair next to me. “Open it?”

“You not worried she’ll hate it, and we’ll all laugh at you?” Micah asks.

Griffin snorts. “Open it, baby girl. I want to see what he’s got you.”

I frown and peer over at him. He’s sitting on the sofa with Atticus and Cevon on either side, and, honestly, I think that’s pretty brave of him. The lion brothers are firmly pretending the other doesn’t exist, and it’s a delicate balance of not stepping on toes so that we can avoid being caught in the middle.

Cevon’s stole the name of a few of my books and is intent on reading one of them, but at least he left my kindle in my room. He’s currently sitting here a little reluctantly, but it’s progress.

After some more gentle cajoling from Voss, I start to delicately unwrap the gift.

“Oh, god, your birthday is going to be a nightmare if this is how you open gifts,” Mal moans, and I glare at him.
