Page 217 of Survival is Hard

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“No claws, no teeth, no shifting,” Orson adds.

We both nod, neither of us planning on cheating. The goal here is to work out some of our anger and beat the fuck out of the other.

“If I win, I want to know who you and Fin were talking about,” I say, and Cevon’s nostrils flare. “Deal?”

“Deal,” he mutters. “If I win, I want a written apology, including every way you fucked up.”

I nod. Even if I win, that’s something I’ll do. Although, he’ll only get it if he promises to burn it once he’s done reading it. Maybe I’ll read it aloud to him before burning it myself.

Yeah. That sounds better.

“Go,” Orson calls just as a fist swings and hits me in the face.

I growl, grateful he missed my fucking nose, and launch a hit back at his stomach. Back and forth we go, trading blows, using both our fists and our feet to try and make the biggest impact. He’s lighter on his feet, faster, too.

But he’s more predictable. He’s not used to fighting against other shifters. If I were human, I’d be putty in his hands.

Hell, even Micah might have lost to him.

But me? Orson? Malachi? Griffin? Even Devoss.

We could beat him. Easily.

And I do with my next hit. I break his nose, blood spurting down his face, as Orson calls it.

“Fucking hell,” Cevon mutters, shaking his head as he pinches his nose. “Really? You couldn’t have let me get one in?”

“You’re slow, brother,” I say, bouncing on my heels. I’ve missed this. Orson and I haven’t gone at it in a while, and my lion misses the fight.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” he says. “You get one question about what you overheard.”

“That wasn’t the deal,” I say, and he shrugs.

“You never put a limit on it,” he replies. “Should’ve been more specific. You said you wanted to know who Fin and I were talking about.”

“I do.”

“Dad,” he replies before shifting into his lion so that I can’t say anything back.

That fucking trickster.

“If I win this fight, I want to know exactly what he did to you,” I say, trying to figure out any loopholes I’m missing here. “I want to know how long it went on for, what happened, and why you’re never going to do what he did to you to your kids.”

Cevon’s lion nods.

“What do you want?” I demand.

He tilts his head before shifting back to his human form. “I want the same thing, except this time, I also want you to go apologise to Lainey.”

Malachi snorts, and, thankfully, both Orson and Devoss kick him. He needs to not continue making things harder for my brother. When we’re both in our lion form, Orson outlines the rules for this stage.

“First bite,” he says, glancing between us. “No shifting to human form, no actual killing. Nora needs all of us, and if you fuck her over, you’ll regret it.”

We both agree to his rules, neither one of us wanting to make things harder for Nora. We might hate each other and want to cause issues for the other, but we love Nora, and she’s the only priority we really have.

The second fight lasts longer, but Cevon’s going for the subdue and not the win. Is that his training failing over the last five years, or is he trying to lose on purpose so he can share how he’s feeling?

I hope it’s the latter.
