Page 168 of Redeeming 6

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“The part where your asshole boyfriend made you cry.”

“Yeah?” Hating how much I loved his attention and feeling light-headed from how desperately my body craved his touch, I leaned into his hands, feeling helplessly hooked. “Well, if you see the prick around, make sure you tell him that I don’t forgive him.”

“You shouldn’t.” He stroked my nose with his again. “I hear he’s a fuckup.”

“Such a fuckup,” I agreed, reciprocating his kiss when his lips lightly brushed against mine. “If it wasn’t for that big damn dick of his, I’d drop his ass.”

“Is that so?”

“Uh-huh.” I nodded. “It’s all about the dick for me.”

“Then it’s lucky for him that he knows how to use his dick, huh?” he teased, lips hovering close to mine as he dragged my body flush against his. “And his fingers.” My breath hitched when his hand slipped beneath the waistband of my knickers. “And his tongue.”

And just like that, I melted like a goddamn fool against him, lips moving against his in a kiss that sent my already frazzled hormones into overdrive.

Fully aware that he was as dangerous to my mind as the drugs were to his, I broke the kiss before I fell any deeper into my feelings.

Into him.

Pulling back before I lost myself entirely in him, I placed my hands on his chest to steady myself and said, “You’re not getting away with it that easily.”

“Never thought I was.”

“Why are you even here? I thought we were meeting at school, like usual.”

“Because I needed to apologize,” he explained, once again using his thumb to wipe my secondhand lip gloss from his mouth before strolling over to my window and climbing back out through it.

A few seconds ticked by before his schoolbag came flying through my window, followed by his hurley, helmet, and the overnight bag I’d left at his house.

“Did you bring my necklace?” I asked, watching as he deftly climbed back through my window. “I feel like I’ve been walking around naked without it.”

“Got it,” he replied, retrieving the silver chain from his pocket as he closed the space between us. “Turn around.”

Obliging, I lifted my hair away from my neck, while he fastened the clasp. “Thanks, stud.”

“Anytime, queen.”

“You’re still in trouble.”

“Aren’t I always?” he muttered, pressing a soft kiss to the curve of my neck before walking over to my bed and sinking down. “Okay. I’m all ears.”


“You wanted to talk.” He leaned back on his elbows, looking way too familiar with my bed—and way too fucking sexy. “Let’s talk.”

“True,” I replied, anxiety fluttering to life inside of me as I quickly closed the buttons of my shirt. “But you were supposed to come over last night to talk.” I paused to frown. “Which is clearly something else you forgot about.”

“Well, I’m here now, so we might as well get it over it.”

“Get it…over with?” I heard myself pant out breathlessly, unable to hide the near-hysteria threatening to overtake me.

“Talk, Molloy,” he said. “Let’s go.”

I wasn’t ready.

Unlike yesterday, when he was out of his mind on God knows what, my boyfriend was sitting on my bed clearheaded and looking at me expectantly.

Oh shit.
