Page 209 of Redeeming 6

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“You won’t be.”

“I might be.”

“You’re having a baby, Molloy, not inhaling a town.”

“But say it happens.”

“Jesus Christ.” He rolled his eyes to the heavens. “Yes, I’m still going to want you.”


“How?” His brow furrowed in confusion as he closed the space between us. “What do you mean how?”

“How are you going to still find me sexy when I’m big and round and swollen?” I gestured to my body and sighed. “Look at me, Joe. Won’t you miss this body?”

He threw his head back and laughed.

“Hey, don’t laugh at me, asshole.” I narrowed my eyes. “I’m feeling vulnerable here.”

“You are the vainest girl I’ve ever met.”

“It’s not vanity when it’s true,” I sniped. “Then it’s just plain honesty.”

Still chuckling, he shook his head, clearly amused. “Christ, I love you.” Grinning, he flopped down on the mattress beside me and stretched his arm out for me to join him. As soon as I snuggled into the crook of his arm, he pulled me close and released a contented sigh. “Don’t ever lose it, Molloy.”

“Lose what?”

“That spark of fire that makes you so incredibly you,” he replied, tightening his arm around me. “It doesn’t matter how your body changes, because I’m always going to keep coming back to you. Because I might enjoy touching all of this,” he explained, fingers trailing over my body until he reached my face and gently tapped my temple. “But I’m hooked on this.”

“My mind?” I asked, tone incredulous. “Bullshit.”

“It’s true,” he coaxed. “Nobody else can fuck with my head quite like you can, and that has nothing to do with your body, Molloy.”

“Okay,” I conceded with a lopsided grin. Twisting onto my side, I slid my hand under his shirt to rest on the bare skin of his stomach. “That was ridiculously smooth.”

“I’m known to have my moments,” he teased, rolling onto his side, mirroring me. “When I’m not fucking up.”

“We’re going to be okay, aren’t we, Joe?” I heard myself ask.

“Aren’t we always?”

“I’m serious.” I reached up to stroke his cheek. “Everything is moving way too fast.”

“Yeah.” He grimaced. “Shit has a habit of going that way when I’m around.”

“Seriously, Joe, my head is spinning from all of the twists and turns.”

“I have no idea how all of this is going to pan out,” he admitted truthfully. “But whatever way it goes, I’ve got your back.”

“And I’ve got yours.”

“Then we’ll be okay,” he replied with a small nod.

“Yeah?” I asked softly, watching him closely.

His green eyes burned with sincerity when he whispered, “Yeah.”

A knock on my bedroom door sounded then, and I watched as Joey’s entire frame stiffened before he reluctantly slid his arm out from beneath me and sat on the edge of my bed.
