Page 102 of One Rich Revenge

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The orgasm is waiting for me, the highest peak of a precipice and a delicious fall.

“Jonah, I—” I gasp as he strokes into me.

“I know.” His words are rough. “I’m close too. Give me your pleasure. All of it.” He circles my clit with one finger, and I rocket up the mountain and off the precipice faster than I thought was possible. My eyes are shut, my body is straining. Through the haze, I hear Jonah muttering soft curses, trying not to come.

“I can’t last.” He chokes out the words, his thrusts turning messy and helpless. “I want you to come again.”

“I will,” I pant. “Touch me.” I never would have demanded that before Jonah, but with him, everything is different. He obeys with those clever fingers, his face screwed tight, his muscles straining.

“Callie,” he groans, shaking. I’m right there with him. I’m warm and glowing, and so very close.

“Jonah,” I whisper. The orgasm spreads through me, slower, growing in intensity, until it shakes me like a thunderstorm.

“Thank fuck,” he mutters, before his cock jerks inside me and he gives a hoarse shout.

I have the presence of mind to open my eyes.

Watching Jonah Crown come has to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

Muscles stand out in stark relief, his head is thrown back, his lips parted. Like some sort of feral god. At least until he slumps over me and kisses my stomach, nuzzles through the hair between my legs, and licks into me like I’m precious. “One more,” he murmurs. “One more.”

I’m spent, but the touch of his tongue on my clit makes me buzz.

“I can taste myself on you. I love it.” His voice is low, tugging at my insides, his dirty words raw and honest. And so he does the impossible, drawing a final gasp of pleasure from me with the flat of his tongue, his fingers, even his teeth, until I sob his name and clench around his fingers for a final time.

“Good girl, Cal,” he murmurs. I want to bask in the warm feeling his words evoke. I’m floating in a sea of afterglow, hazy, disconnected. I barely notice that he’s lifting me from the floor, carrying me to the shower, until warm water is cascading over us. He settles me between his legs and washes me with gentle strokes while my head rests on his chest.

“So you didn’t call me here for sex?” I tease. His chest is a slick wall of muscle at my back, warm and steadfast. I never want this to stop.

“No. I can’t resist you.” He sounds annoyed at himself, and I smile.

“Why did you call me then?” I yawn and curl in closer to him. I could totally fall asleep like this.

“I told you. I wanted to see you. I drank something like seven glasses of whiskey and texted you. Don’t read too much into it.”

I laugh softly. “Yes, Your Majesty.” I’m not reading into it but that warm ache is there behind my ribs. I’m the person Jonah Crown texts when he’s drunk.

He doesn’t speak for several minutes. His hand smooths over my arms, my sides, until I’m floating between awake and asleep.

“What did you have to look forward to today?” he finally asks.

“Adriana got a puppy. I took it for a walk this morning in the park. But other than that, I avoided my dad.”

He makes a hmm sound in his throat for me to continue.

“We got into a fight after I came home from your apartment. He’s so stubborn. He asked me where I was, and it turned into me accusing him of treating me like a child. We already clash over the paper. Living there is not helping.” I blow out a breath.

“Can you move out?” His hands keep rubbing my arms, soothing me. His voice is a rumble at my back, his skin is slick and warm, and I never want to leave.

“I don’t have the money. I’ve been saving, but I used my savings to pay off a third of the loan. A day before we found out you wanted to invest.” His hands still. “I’ll keep saving, though. I’m not a big spender.” I shut my eyes and press my cheek to his chest. “Keep going, please.”

“You’ll have your first paycheck next week,” he says roughly.

I still. “You’re paying me?” This feels like a turning point. “When did you decide to pay me?”

“When I saw the apartment.”

I cringe. “I wish you hadn’t.”
