Page 120 of One Rich Revenge

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“That’s it, sweetheart. Use me for your pleasure. Take what you need.” I spear a hand into her hair and kiss her, even as my stomach coils tight and my legs shake. When our tongues touch, she moans and clenches around me and finally, finally, I let myself go. I press my mouth to her neck so Lou won’t hear me shout. The orgasm is lightning up my spine, sending sparks through me. My body jerks and my cock pulses and fuck, it’s so good. It’s never been this good. It’s her.

We come down together. I comb my fingers through her hair as she draws deep, shaky breaths. She traces her fingers over my neck, and my lids drop shut.

“So good,” she whispers.

“The best,” I agree.

We stay like that for long minutes. Callie’s head rests on my neck, and I rub her back. Her soft breaths puff out against my skin. When we finally untangle ourselves, I pass her tissues and a bottle of water from the door.

“You came prepared.” She smiles.

“If you say I was planning to ravish you in my limo, I’ll deny it,” I say solemnly. It’s totally what I was planning.

“You know, I’ve never had a man buy me a car just for sex.” She laughs and I give her an arrogant smile, because I know she likes it.

“Get used to it,” I say. “Remember what I told you? Anything you want.”

Her cheeks are delightfully pink as she adjusts her dress and buckles her seatbelt.

“So, whose baby shower is this?” she asks. “I assume someone you know?” Her eyes are teasing. In my desperation to see her, I didn’t give her any details, and I definitely didn’t give Christine a head’s up.

“My sister’s. She and her wife are due soon.”

Callie’s brows go up. “The sister you rarely see.”

“She wanted me to bring a date.” I shrug, like bringing Callie to meet my family is just another day, when in reality, it’s a big fucking deal. What if she hates them? What if she says something bad about them? The last person I let close to them did.

“To a baby shower?” She grins. “Totally normal. So what happened to you’re never meeting my sister, Thompson?” She does a passable imitation of my voice, and I roll my eyes.

“I changed my mind. But don’t even think about ganging up on me.”

“I would never,” she says seriously, but her eyes are laughing.

The trip to New Jersey is mercifully short. Soon, the car is winding along tree-lined roads, with neat houses and small lots giving way to cookie-cutter mansions and hedges. My skin prickles uncomfortably as we drive through the town. It’s just a few main roads.

Callie’s hand lands on my knee. “Jonah.”


“Your knee.”

I grimace. “I didn’t even realize I was shaking it.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Is it that easy to tell?” I blow out a breath. I’m unsettled and I fucking hate it. This is why I avoid family dinners. I hate being reminded of the past. Driving down these streets makes me feel like a teenager again.

“It’s pretty obvious.” Callie’s mouth lifts in a half smile. She looks so pretty with her bright blue eyes and her freckled cheeks that I want to pull her onto my lap. Her thumb rubs a circle on my knee, anchoring my thoughts.

“I grew up here. You’d think my parents would have accepted one of the many offers I made for them to move. St. Barth’s, Vail, San Francisco, Tribeca. Anywhere but here.”

“Maybe they’re comfortable here. I mean, it’s really pretty. It reminds me of a suburb from a movie, actually.”

“And just as closed-minded,” I mutter, before sighing heavily. “I don’t like the person I was when I lived here. I don’t like being reminded of that.” I meet her gaze, serious and considering, and wait for her to disagree, to tell me I’m wonderful, or some other platitude.

Instead, she nods and says, “That, I understand. I don’t like who I was just a year ago, but that person made me who I am today. Would you be Jonah Crown, the Prince of Darkness without being Jonah Crown, boy from wherever this is in New Jersey?” Her lips tilt up as she teases me and warmth fills my chest.

“Come here.” I unbuckle her seatbelt and tug her onto my lap, hoping Lou doesn’t choose this exact moment to get in our very first crash.
