Page 19 of One Rich Revenge

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“See that it doesn’t.” His voice is hard, like his word is law. And I guess in this building at least, it is. Prick. I force my shoulders to relax.

“So, Mr. Crown, is it?”

“Oh, it most definitely is,” he replies silkily. “Come in, and let’s chat about your new role.”

My stomach dips as I follow him into his office. The floor-to-ceiling windows make it look like we’re in a sea of office buildings. The water to the west sparkles in the distance. His furniture is not what I would have expected. There’s a sleek wooden desk, a velvet couch, a bar cart.

“Look your fill, by all means. I don’t have anything else to do.” His voice comes from my left.

I whirl. Jonah is sprawled in his desk chair, flipping a pen. I sit stiffly across from him and tug surreptitiously at my skirt.

“I assume I’ll be answering the phone, filing things, getting your lunch. General degradation. The usual.” The last bit pops out, and I almost wince. I’ve never been known for holding my tongue, but I told myself this morning that I would try.

He makes a surprised sound. “Degradation. Is that what you think?”

I press my lips together. I’m sure he’ll tell me that I deserve this, or pretend he’s not here to make me miserable. He leans forward, his eyes glittering.

“You will do whatever I tell you to do. And I never use this word, but literally everything. It’s up to you whether the request constitutes degradation. But if it does—” He shrugs. “Not my problem. Refusing requests constitutes cause. Check the contract.”

My pulse is thudding uncomfortably while he stares me down. “I read the contract. I understand. I’m yours for six months.” And damn if I don’t still feel guilty for selling those stupid photos, but the guilt is replaced by anger at Jonah.

His eyes flare at my words, and he dips his chin. “That’s right. If I’m here, you are too, even on a weekend. If I call you or text you, I expect a response within five minutes.”

“What if I’m out with friends? Or away for the weekend?”

“That’s not my problem.”

I snort. “So all you do is work then? You’re never out with friends or away for the weekend?”

His head jerks back, just the barest amount. Ha. I struck a nerve.

“My personal time is none of your concern. I’m paying you to serve my every need.” An irrational flash of heat goes through me at his words. My traitorous brain pictures serving his every need right here in this office. My tongue darts out to lick my lips.


My eyes refocus on his face. His perfect face. Those soft lips, that strong jaw shadowed with stubble. “Where did you go?”

“Ah, sorry.” I will my cheeks not to redden. Just picturing giving you a blowjob under the desk. And I didn’t hate it. I press my lips together to keep from laughing. If I’m lusting after this awful man, it is beyond time to get laid.

“I expect your full attention when we’re at work together. Do I make myself clear?” His words cut through any lust I might have felt. His tone says he doesn’t think I can handle this. I hold his dark gaze. I’m going to survive you, Jonah. I’m going to triumph and leave the rubble of your company in my wake. His eyes narrow.


I hate that he’s using my last name, like I’m some sort of servant. Ill-mannered asshole. I want to scream it in his face, but instead I calmly reach for a pen and paper. If I’m going to get through this, I need to be the Callie who charms the pants off interview subjects, not the Callie who wants to claw her boss’s eyes out. Fun Callie. The girl I am to most people, though Jonah makes me want to break things.

I smile winningly and click my pen. “Crystal. Now why don’t you tell me your lunch preferences?”

“I have a salad or a wrap from the deli on the corner. On Mondays, they have a special and I almost always eat that.”

I know he goes to that deli a lot, because I’ve seen him there, but every day?

“You never try anything else?” I raise my head to see Jonah watching me intently. “What about one of the carts on Park Avenue?”

He shrugs. “I like the deli just fine.”

Boring. Eats the same thing every day. I make a note on my paper next to his order.

“What else do I need to know?”
