Page 24 of One Rich Revenge

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“Wait. She who?” Jason leans forward. His eyes are bright with curiosity. “Are you seeing someone?”

I roll my eyes. “Hell, no. What is with you two? Last week, Miles practically tried to push me down the aisle.”

Jason spreads his arms out. “Look how it’s working out for me.”

“Yes, you’re very relaxed now. You’re almost as bad as him.” I jerk my head at Miles, who is sipping his whiskey and texting Lane.

“He’s a goner,” Jason agrees. “So who is she?”

“The reporter from the New York Star. Callie Thompson. Callista, actually.” Her name rolls off my lips, full and sinful, like her body. My hand tightens on the whiskey glass.

“The one writing the articles? You’ve been trying to figure out her identity for months.”

“More like a year. Though after the nonsense with Miles and Lane last month, I increased my efforts.” More like I bullied our security team into using less than ethical methods, but why split hairs?

“The very same reporter,” Miles agrees. “He found her.”

I grin savagely. “Through sheer force of will. And a slip-up on her part.” She never should have shown me her face. She never should have worn that hat.

“Don’t even ask about the facial recognition technology.” Miles shakes his head.

I sip my whiskey. The burn used to make me cough, but I suppressed that reaction years ago. Just one more thing I shed on the way from being a townie from New Jersey to being the man I am today. “It was worth it.”

Jason’s brows go up. “What are you planning?”

“Planning? He’s already implemented it. He has the poor woman upstairs sorting files,” Miles interjects.

“Where did you even find files?”

“George dug them up for me.”

“George has important duties to attend to. You can’t keep monopolizing their time with your petty schemes. You were supposed to hire someone.” Miles is annoyed, and perhaps rightly so. George is technically the Chief of Staff, but they work for Miles more than me. “You should have Callie actually help you.”

“I don’t want her snooping.” I sip my drink. “Besides, she’s distracting. I don’t want her near me all the time.”

Jason cocks his head. His ice blue eyes are calculating. “You’re attracted to her.”

“Don’t lawyer me,” I say shortly.

“Just calling it like I see it,” he says mildly, but he’s smirking.

“No, wait. You might be right.” Miles leans forward to watch me.

“Knock it off,” I growl.

“Callie is pretty,” Miles agrees. Pretty doesn’t begin to cover it. I clamp my lips together. “She’s tallish for a woman, curvy. Freckles, full lips, dark hair. It’s long, too, and wavy.” The perfect length for winding around my hand. I quickly sip my whiskey before I can get caught up thinking about how hot she is. “Thick lashes. Brown eyes.”

“They’re blue,” I say shortly, and then groan.

Jason barks a laugh. “You do think she’s pretty. This is great.”

Miles and Jason raise their glasses and knock back the rest of their drinks.

“Why do you even care?” I ask.

“It’s just that you haven’t been with anyone in years. You’ve been contemplating revenge against Callie for what? Months? Almost a year? And now that you have her, you want to fuck her.”

“I do not want to fuck her.” I so do. I haven’t admitted it to myself, because it’s the road to perdition, but fuck, I want to bend her over my desk. I want to spread her out like a feast and shove that short skirt up to her waist. I want to bury my face between her legs until she’s sobbing my name. And when was the last time I felt like that? Years maybe?
