Page 44 of One Rich Revenge

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“You’re funny,” I respond. I want to like him. Please, let me like him.

Sam walks me home later, even though I tell him to go home and get some sleep.

When we get to the brownstone, there’s a car idling on the curb, and a man in an overcoat leaning against it.

It can’t be…Oh no. It is.

“J—Mr. Crown?”

In the space of a breath, Jonah’s head jerks up and he takes in Sam.

“Friend of yours?” Sam mutters.

“My boss,” I respond.

If Sam is weirded out, he doesn’t say anything. “Hey, man. I’m Sam Cord.”

Jonah ignores him and turns to me. “You weren’t answering your phone.”

My mouth parts in shock. “So you came to my apartment? Are you insane? Actually, don’t answer that.”

His jaw works. “You left it on your desk. I brought it back. In case I needed you.” He makes no move to pass me the device. Instead, he looks over at Sam, who is standing awkwardly to the side. I can see the exact moment realization dawns. Jonah’s face shutters, the fire in his eyes hardens to icy distaste. I can practically see the walls being built back up.

“Clearly, I’m interrupting something. I thought you were—never mind.” Jonah’s voice is stiff. “I’ll just get your phone from the car.”

He was worried. Jonah came here because he was worried. Oh my god. It’s nine p.m. and he just came from the office. I picture him there, his office the only one illuminated in the dark building. An ache builds behind my ribs. He’s so lonely. And proud. Way too proud to admit he was concerned about me.

“You know what? I left some files at the office. Do you mind driving me back?” My words come out in a rush.

“Not at all,” he says coolly. I expect him to get back in the car and let me say goodbye to Sam in peace, but he just waits.

I roll my eyes and turn to Sam. “Sorry about this. I had fun tonight.”

“Me too.” He smiles and gives me a hug. He doesn’t even try for a kiss. Because of Jonah? I’m more relieved than anything. “I’ll call you.”

“Come on, Thompson.” Jonah holds the door open for me, and I precede him into the quiet interior. The privacy divider is raised. The car smells like Jonah and expensive leather. I shut my eyes and soak in the scent. It’s delicious and comforting. Better than Sam’s hug. Ah, shit. My eyes fly open to see Jonah watching me with those black eyes. He’s close, his heat and his size dominating the small interior. He’s still wearing his overcoat. It frames his jaw in a way that makes me feel light-headed.

“Who was he?” Jonah’s voice has a hard edge to it.

“A date. A doctor friend of my friend Luz’s.”

“A doctor,” Jonah scoffs. “Well, how was it?”

“You really want to know?”

“Humor me,” he says darkly.

“It was fine.” I shrug. I’m being too honest, but I had two glasses of wine and I’m tired.

“Just fine? What was wrong with him?”

“Wrong?” I laugh. “Nothing was wrong. He was just so nice.”

Jonah’s mouth tips up at the side. “Is that supposed to be an insult? I mean, I agree. But that’s me. I figured you would like a nice guy.”

“Because you know me so well,” I shoot back. I used to like nice guys, or I thought I did. But then there was Eric, who definitely wasn’t nice, just weak. And now Jonah. The opposite of nice. The man I definitely shouldn’t want, but the one who makes my pulse speed every time I look at him.

“Fair.” Jonah taps a finger on the seat. “Tell me what you do like.”
