Page 66 of One Rich Revenge

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Callie doesn’t understand that. You gave me the best orgasm of my life, and five seconds later, you’re eager to put this all behind you. The best orgasm of her life. Fuck. I shut my eyes and replay her wounded expression.

Why are you so eager to compartmentalize this? This is how it has to be. Why can’t she see that there’s no other option?

But those lips. I can picture the way her lashes fluttered closed with pleasure. Jonah, she moaned, like I was the center of her universe. That’s my fault. Instead of keeping myself locked down, I got what I craved — Callie, coming apart at the seams. I wanted to ruin that perfect demeanor. I wanted her to beg me. And she did. Please, Jonah.

My cock is rising in my suit pants, and I dig my fingernails into my palms. She’s a reporter. An employee. She’ll betray me. You don’t do this.

I do an admirable job ignoring Callie for the rest of the day, even though her notes help us lock down the investment with Ms. Cahill and her family, and an email telling her “good job” wouldn’t be unwarranted. She doesn’t need a good job email, I remind myself. She’s not here to actually help me.

When six p.m. rolls around and she knocks on my door, I bark “enter” with enough force to scare her away. I know it’s her by the no-nonsense way she taps. Softer than George but not hesitant. Not nearly scared enough.

“Jonah? I’m heading out.”

Please, Jonah. I scowl at her, and she makes a faintly disapproving face, but doesn’t say anything else.

“Did you finish the report I asked you to prepare for the Monday meeting?”

“It’s in your email.”

“What about rescheduling all those calls?”

“Rescheduled. For Tuesday. Ten a.m. to two p.m. with a break for lunch.”

“And the shredding?”

“Done. Would you like me to take the garbage out too?” She smiles sweetly, but there’s an edge to her voice.

“Go,” I grunt.

“Have a great night.” She sails out of my office, and I wait until she’s definitely gone before muttering curses under my breath.

What does she have to be upset with me about? Because she definitely was. Not my fucking problem. I don’t need to examine her feelings. As far as I’m concerned, she doesn’t even have feelings.

I press my palms to my eyes. One month. Of six. How the hell am I going to survive this?

I need to talk to Miles. I grimace because he’s going to be smug and annoying about me asking for his advice, but he’s the only one who can help. I stalk down the hall to his office and pace while he finishes on the phone.

“Jonah looks like he’s going to kill me any minute now.” Miles grins at me as I roll my eyes. “Yeah, keep talking.”

I hear a woman’s laugh sound faintly from the other end. It must be Lane.

“You want to do what later?” His voice lowers. “I can kick him out of my office right now.”

I make an irritated noise, and Miles laughs before telling Lane he loves her and hanging up the phone.

“I’m glad I stopped by before things got X-rated.”

“My office has frosted glass.” He gives me a self-satisfied smile and tilts his chair back on the back legs.

“Really? How do you get any work done?” I raise a brow, but he’s unaffected.

“I’m very efficient. The motivation to get home on time is stronger than ever.” Another smile. “So what’s up?”

“I think I did something stupid.” I sit heavily on the couch in his office. “I uh, hooked up, with Callie.”

“Ha,” Miles barks and lets his chair thump to the ground. “I’ve gotta get Jason for this.” He calls Jason and tells him to meet us at the office. Jason grumbles, but thirty minutes later, we’re sitting downstairs in Kings Cove. Miles slides me a snifter of whiskey and pours some sparkling water for himself. At my raised brow, he tells me he needs to be sober for whatever Lane has planned later. I shudder in mock disgust, but a spike of jealousy digs into my stomach. He’s so damn happy. Am I missing out? Am I the fool?

“Spill,” Jason says. His blue eyes are chips of ice today. He was on a difficult negotiation, and he has to go back to the office after this. It’s been a week since he last saw Cynthia, his girlfriend, and the separation is making him miserable. Yeah, I’m not missing out.
