Page 7 of One Rich Revenge

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I slump back against my chair, heart racing and a little ashamed of myself. Printing that article was a mistake. I should not have engaged with him. Something tells me he isn’t going to let this go.



“You really need to let this go.”

I raise my head to see Miles in the doorway of my office. He strolls in, relaxed and loose, typical for him now that he’s living with Lane. Must be the regular sex. It’s made him more self-satisfied than usual, and I grunt an acknowledgment. I don’t want to deal with his good cheer this morning.

He drops onto my office couch, uninvited, and I raise a brow.

“I’m serious, man. George told me about the comments you left on the article last night,” he says.

“George has too much time on their hands.”

“They’d have even more if you’d just hire an assistant already,” he counters.

“That’s quite the enticement. Besides, I haven’t found anyone remotely competent.”

“Your standards are too high.”

“Yours are too low,” I snort.

He rolls his eyes. “What happened with the last candidate? Did he ask for vacation days or something?”

I tap my finger on the desk. “His social media was filled with political rants. And vacation days are allowed, so long as they align with my schedule.”

Miles grimaces, but drops the subject. We both know George, our Chief of Staff, is stretched thin, managing expansion plans, seeing to our travel, interviewing candidates. When they requested an “army of minions,” we both quickly agreed. Turns out those minions are harder to find than I anticipated.

“She printed an article about Christine,” I say. The words drop between us like a grenade.

“I saw it,” he says carefully. “She mentioned the embezzling rumors too, but she didn’t mention that the charges were dropped. That was low.”

“This is how it starts.” My hand clenches around my pen. “Idle speculation, then looking into Mia, then discussing the family, maybe photos of the baby. Mia’s due in February. Fuck.”

Miles’s mouth twists in sympathy.

“Don’t give me that look.” I shove back from my desk. “I’m going to handle it.”

“Handle it how?”

“I’ll figure it out,” I say shortly. “But she’s not going to stop unless I make her stop. I confronted her twice this week. I made it very clear what happens if she continues. And she continued.” I shrug. It’s that simple. Callie Thompson is the enemy, and I will stop at nothing to protect my family.

Miles sighs. He’s not going to argue with me. We have very different ways of looking at the world, but he understands me. “Will there be any fallout from what she published about your meeting?”

Callie fucking Thompson should never have seen that clandestine meeting with the COO of Green Media, and she sure as hell shouldn’t be printing photos of it.

“I don’t know. I’m waiting for a call.”

“Have you thought about just…moving on?”

“Out of the question.” I give a sharp shake of my head, and his mouth turns down. Even when he was mired in grief and guilt, Miles has always wanted the best for his friends. He’s a better friend than I deserve.

“It was a long time ago.”

“Don’t start,” I say shortly. “Our feud may have started years ago, but it’s not over. Dylan tried to contact Christine just last year. What would you do if he contacted Lane?”

Miles’s face hardens. “I’d take him down. He’s a piece of shit.” Miles would kill for Lane. He’s said it many times.
