Page 76 of One Rich Revenge

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I smirk, and she rolls her eyes. “Gloating is an unattractive quality in a man.”

“Sit.” The taller one points at the bench. “And start drinking. You’re behind.”

I shed my coat and my jacket and settle next to Callie on the vinyl bench. It’s a little sticky and I shudder. “Nice place.”

“Stop grousing. We’re here to have fun.” She passes me a beer. “I hope beer is okay for Your Majesty.”

I hold her gaze while I slot the bottle between my lips and drain the beer. Her eyes trace over my face while she watches. He’s just as hot as you said he was. And now that her walls are down, I can see the naked desire on her face.

“See something you like, Thompson?” Stupid. Why am I baiting her? Because she thinks you’re hot. And because you can rile her up. And fuck, I love riling her up.

“Just making sure you don’t choke,” she says sweetly. “This is Adriana.” She points at the dark-haired one, who gives me a nod. “And Luz.” The blonde waves from where she’s picking a song.

“When was the last time you sang karaoke?” Callie sits on the bench, keeping a careful few feet between us.


“No way.” Luz gasps.

“Do I look like a karaoke kind of guy?” I cock a brow.

“Guess not. Okay, well, you have to go next then.” Callie passes me the huge book of songs. “I recommend Bohemian Rhapsody. Can’t go wrong with that.”

I browse the songs while Adriana starts a rather off-key rendition of a song that I vaguely recognize from a popular musical.

“And this is something you enjoy?”

“Stop it. It’s freeing. You just have to not be self-conscious.” She wags her brows. “Think you can handle that?”

“I’m not self-conscious.”

“Yeah, but you’re not exactly relaxed.” She sips her beer. Her legs are tucked up under her, her sweater is falling off one shoulder, and she looks like the definition of relaxed. She’s practically buzzing with contentment, and suddenly, I want to know what it’s like to be Callie Thompson. Would she like me better if I were more like her? Would that guy I saw her with last week sing karaoke with her?

“Show me.” My voice is rough. “Show me what it’s like to be you. To be relaxed.”

She sits up straighter. “You mean that?”

“Much as I think I’ll regret it, yes.”

She smiles and my heart turns itself over. “I get the rest of the night then. And you’ll do whatever I want?”

“Whatever you want. Within reason. I’m not skydiving or something like that.”

“Scared of heights?” She’s still smiling and she looks so fucking pretty it nearly hurts.

“I like life. And I see no reason to jump out of a plane.”

She snorts. “Fair enough. We’ll start small. A duet.”

I grimace. “Really?”

She stands in a rush. “Jonah Crown. You put your faith in me tonight. I will not let you down. You must do a duet with me.”

“What if I don’t know the song?”

“Who cares?” She flings her arms out. “Besides, I’ll carry us both.”

“You will?” My brows go up.
