Page 29 of Office Mate

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That was a hard one. I was hoping she’d guess mine, but wasn’t sure I knew what hers was though.

We flipped the pages. I wrote down personable. She wrote down marketing.

“Oh, sorry.” Max sighed. “Good luck streak is over. And while he’s great at marketing, he’s even better at managing multiple people and tasks, and yes Bri is personable but according to her resume, her strengths lie in making others feel welcome, which would have given you a point had she guessed correctly.”


“Moving on!” Max continued asking questions, so far we’d gotten five right, four wrong, and had one more in order to make first place. “What is one of your office mate’s biggest pet peeves?”

I laughed and flipped my page. “Loud Noises.”

She nodded and flipped hers. “People humming when they work.”

Max almost dropped his cue cards. “That’s uncanny! You each had it down word for word.” He looked between us. “You really didn’t cheat?”

I grinned up at him. “We just had a lot of time to get to know each other and get on each other’s nerves, might hum a bit later just to see her rage.”

Max nodded. “Good man, good man, always smart to aggravate the piranha before it bites, that’s what I always say, right, Dustin?”

Dustin stared at him from the back of the room and hung his head. Poor Dustin.

“All right, so in first place, again, we have Ace and Bri, now everyone enjoy the rest of your day off and don’t forget to report tomorrow for the next test.”

It was over. Time to go to my apartment, and for her to go to hers.

I held out my hand. “Good game.”

She frowned down at it. “Yeah, good game.” She shook it.

Our hands weren’t kissing anymore.

I hated holding hands without them kissing first.

We both started walking down the stage when Max whistled loudly. “Hey, since you won, you can stay at the penthouse again.”

“Oh no,” Bri said politely. “It’s okay, we don’t want to take advantage.”

“There’s a steak dinner already prepared for the winners.””

“So that’s penthouse number four, right?” she said sweetly. “The one we were in last night?”

“How’s your head?” Max asked. “I was concerned.”

“He’s um…” She pointed at me. Apparently, I was he. “A great nurse woke me up several times last night.”

Dustin cleared his throat behind me. “I bet he did.”

“What was that, Dustin?” Max asked.

“I’m glad he did!” Dustin accentuated every word. “And yes, penthouse number four, please enjoy yourselves and congratulations on another great win.”

I couldn’t tell if he was being kind or if he was ready to grab one of the steak knives from the penthouse and use it as target practice on us, actually, my bet was on Max.

“Thanks.” I nodded to them and held up my keycard. “I guess we’ll be going.”

“Yup.” Bri agreed as we walked out to the elevators.

I looked behind me. Dustin and Max were coming fast.
