Page 11 of Her Devoted Warrior

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Chapter Six


On the nights I don’t wake up yelling, I often wake up in a daze, as if emerging from a battlefield of nightmares, complete with aching muscles, except . . . it doesn’t feel that way this morning.

As I open my eyes, the soft rays of sunlight filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the rustic cabin, and I realize that this is the first morning in months where the sun has risen with me still in bed. My head is not pounding or thrumming from white noise, and my muscles don’t ache from thrashing in bed all night. I know for a fact that it’s neither the soothing, warm breeze filtering in through the window, nor the serene peacefulness that plays a hand in silencing the demons in my head.

Hell, I have been coming here to escape the chaos of the city since I bought the place five years ago, and the nightmares still plague me, as is evident from last night.

The solid five hours of sleep I’ve had can only be attributed to the angel lying in bed with me.

I turn to look at the little ray of sunshine tucked beneath my arm, and I lose myself in her beauty. Her pretty face seems to be lost in slumber, and she emanates a sense of tranquility that’s unlike anything I have experienced before. The scenery outside has nothing on her.

My gaze lingers on her a little longer, her delicate features illuminated by the morning light. I watch as her chest rises and falls with each breath, tempted to wake her up and make love to her all over again. The longer I look at her, the harder my cock becomes, and suddenly it’s no longer the semi of morning wood but a full-blown erection.

It would be so easy to lean down and kiss her, touch her, and get her hot and bothered for me before sliding my cock into her tight, wet pussy. I can visualize her whimpering sleepily as I thrust into her lazily, slapping my cock into her until she’s crying out for me to take her harder and faster, her face buried in the pillow as she calls me Daddy.

“Fuck!” I curse out, sweeping my fingertips over Gwen’s face and brushing away the soft strands of her hair. I resist the urge to wake her as I lean down and press my lips against her temple. I know next to nothing about this girl. Well, that isn’t exactly true. She never stopped talking during the long hike here or as we settled into the cabin last night.

I know that she just started working as a loan officer at one of the oldest banks in the city. She loves reading and is a cat person. Gwen is also deadly allergic to oysters, but she loves seafood, nonetheless. She hates tomatoes and thinks they’re the most disgusting vegetable. She is also the oldest of two sisters. Her younger sister, Dawn, is engaged to a retired boxer but cannot marry to him until she graduates from college.

I’m surprised at just how much her life is more interesting compared to mine when I am so much older than she is. My life has been a series of one gloomy day after another, and there was no way I could share any of that with her and risk dulling her shine. So instead, I listened with rapt attention as she told me about herself. Between the conversation about her love for sweet desserts and the stories about her first cat, there was no chance to bring up all the gory things I witnessed during my enlistment overseas, and I didn’t want there to be.

Pushing back the last hints of desire, I slowly draw my arm from under Gwen’s head and climb out of bed, heading for the bathroom to clean up. I haven’t been back here for such a long time that I need to chop wood and stock up.

The plan is simple: grab a shower, make coffee, and then head out to chop wood, but as I am about to step into the shower, a voice stops me.

“Jax, are you in there? Can I come in?”

Gwen doesn’t wait for an answer and pushes the door to let herself in. I watch her stumble in with her hair in all sorts of disarray and her eyes still nearly shut. She has no right looking so goddamned sexy in a nightgown and mussed blond hair. It looks something akin to a bird’s nest, but she is still easily the most beautiful woman I have ever met. In my eyes, she’s perfect.

As she walks into the room, she keeps her eyes averted, and I figure she’s doing it to offer me some form of modesty, not that I need it after last night. When she finally turns my direction, I can clearly see how exhausted she still is.

“Why don’t you go back to bed? You are clearly still tired.”

“I’m not tired anymore,” she says with a yawn, slumping back against the wall with a sleepy sigh. “You can go ahead and grab your shower; I’ll just stand here and wait my turn.”

I don’t point out that she could simply jump in with me. After last night, with how savagely I went about taking her virginity, even I am considerate enough to imagine that she must still be sore.

“Gwen,” I try, walking toward her, but I don’t touch her despite how hard it is for me not to. I just know one brush of skin and there will be nothing stopping me from slamming her back against the wall and taking her hard. I choose to ignore my raging erection and the need to reach out and straighten her mop of hair. “We don’t have anything planned for the day, so you can sleep in.”

“I don’t want to sleep and waste the day away,” she says with a lazy smile, crossing over to the sink to splash water on her face before digging around in the drawer for a new toothbrush. “I want to explore the forest; I’ve never done that before.”

“You never went out camping during the summer?”

“Nope. My family always took beach vacations during the summer, so I never really went camping or experienced nature in that sense. Please show me around; I’ll try to keep up.”

“You were out of breath yesterday when we hiked up here,” I comment, though that’s putting it mildly.

I stand there and watch as she finishes cleaning up before she makes her way back to me. “I’ll have you know that yesterday I was just tired from everything, but after a shower and coffee, I will be ready to explore . . . Wait, you do have coffee, right?”

“I do,” I say, my gaze dropping to the hand she presses to my naked chest. It seems she’s doing it unconsciously, but my body is sure as hell noticing the circles she’s tracing on my firm pec.

“Oh, great. You don’t want to see me without my daily dose of caffeine. I can be a handful to deal with,” she says adding some bit about her family telling her she’s addicted to caffeine, but everything else becomes white noise as the hand on my chest becomes my sole focus.

My cock throbs as I stare down at this talkative girl, and all I can think about is just how much I want her.

I bite back a groan when she drags her palm up my pec, her nails grazing my nipple and sending a shiver through my body, and I realize there is no waiting before I claim her again. This little angel has unknowingly poked the sleeping bear, and he’s ready to pounce.
