Page 16 of Bootlegger's Bounty

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She did as Enzo asked, and he groaned with pleasure as he breached her even deeper. Cam worked her clit as he slammed into her, while Enzo told her how hot and good her mouth was.

“That’s it,” Cam praised her. “Perfect little cunt. I want to take her on the deck. What do you think?” he asked Enzo, who tipped his lips up in a wicked smile.

“Oh yeah, we can take turns fucking her,” Enzo drawled, his harsh words a contrast to the softness in his touch. He pulled her hair back, his eyes lit with something that made her gut clench. These men had been strangers, potential villains, just the night before, and now they were giving her the most erotic moment of her life.

She imagined herself in New York with her two lovers. Waking up tangled in their bed and then making love before she went onstage. A dream. But for it to happen she had to convince Cam to let her stay.

Enzo’s wounded cry made her snap her eyes open. He pushed into her throat and cursed as liquid flooded her mouth.

“Going to fill you up,” the captain grunted into her ear. In the next moment, Cam pushed into her one last time, his hold on her just on this side of painful. He pressed his forehead to the back of her head and let out a cry as he emptied himself inside her.

The sensation was too much, and she came again. She moaned through the fullness in her mouth as Enzo made soothing sounds.

“So good, sweetheart,” he crooned, pulling his soft cock out of her mouth. Then he bent down to kiss her. Their tongues tangled, while Cam found her clit and circled it with the pads of his fingers.

She groaned as she kissed Enzo. The younger man had one hand on her jaw and the other on her nipples, and soon she was screaming into his mouth as she climaxed again. He laughed and licked her lips. Then he opened her mouth wide so they could twirl their tongues together. Cam was still inside her, kissing her heated skin.

When it was over, she slumped backward into the sweaty hard chest of the captain. Her lids were heavy. Four hands were on her, stroking and petting, and when she finally opened her eyes, she found Enzo looking at Camden with enough fire in his gaze to burn the three of them to ashes.

Everything felt right in that moment.

She could see her future, just like this, belonging to them. It was madness, she knew that. But she had never felt safer or more complete than she did now. She let her tongue slide into Enzo’s mouth one more time, stroking it while she caressed his hardening prick. When she pulled back, his amber eyes were molten. She wanted this again—that was exactly what she wanted to say—but she ruined everything when she opened her mouth.

“If you take me with you to New York and let me sing at your club, I’ll tell you where you can get rum better than the one Valverde had.” Cam’s expression shuttered immediately, his hands stiffening on her body. “Enzo said you might?—”

By the time she finished the sentence, Camden had already shut her down.

Rosalía’s words were as effective as a slap in the face. In a matter of seconds, Camden was swiftly thrown back into reality. What the hell was he doing, fucking a stowaway with Big Joe’s nephew? Not even in those last days of the war, when he’d thought life amounted to nothing, had he ever behaved this recklessly.

“No.” Cam cut her off, wincing as his exhausted dick slipped out of her with a gush of liquid. “Enzo has no authority on this ship, and this is not a game.” Cam breathed through the fury and focused on Vincenzo, who looked far too tousled and freshly fucked to be having a serious discussion. It was damned distracting, and even with his cock limp and wrung out, with his chest hot from anger, Cam wished he could push it all down and get Rosalía and Enzo in that berth to take them both all over again.

What a fucking disaster.

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, Vincenzo, but you are here to observe. How I carry out my business is not yours,” he said, pressing a finger into the blond’s chest. Then Cam turned to Rosalía, who was gloriously naked, her mouth swollen from taking Enzo’s prick and her thighs streaked with Cam’s seed.

“But you need the rum, and I know where you can get some. I promise,” she pleaded, her eyes bright with tears.

Cam turned his back on her to pull on his pants. “I am not negotiating with you. Just because your pussy is tight, it doesn’t mean I’m going to risk getting myself and the rest of my crew killed.” He heard the sharp intake of breath and the muffled sob. He hardened himself to it. This was not a fucking game. This was his future, and he would not let his dick distract him from it. Even if he felt like a monster.

“I need some air,” she said from somewhere behind him, and in the next moment, she was at the door in that ridiculous dress.

“Where do you think you’re going in that?” he asked, pulling her by the hand, but she spun on him so fast, he stumbled and almost fell on Enzo.

“What do you care?” she shot back, those brown eyes full of hurt. “I will stay topside until we get to Nassau.” She wrenched her hand from his reach and left before slamming the door of the cabin in his face.

His chest tightened, his breaths coming in short spurts.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Enzo said in a dangerously low voice, and Cam was almost grateful to have someone to unleash all this frustration on. “She could help us. She knows where there’s a stash of Caña Brava that could fix this mess with Big Joe.”

Cam buttoned his shirt and turned to face the other man. “Are you out of your mind? She could be sending us straight into a trap.”

“I knew you were stubborn, McCollough.” Enzo gave him a disgusted look as he stuffed his dick into his pants, and Cam had to force himself to stop staring. God, this could not get any worse, and it was all completely his fault. “But I never thought you were stupid.”

“You’re pinning our ability to get out of this mess on a piece of ass, and I’m the stupid one,” Camden roared.

“Would you stop being such an asshole for a second?” Enzo asked, tugging his hair in frustration. “She ran from home. Her brother wasn’t good to her.” When Cam raised an eyebrow that screamed “How is that my problem?” He almost punched the captain in the face. “It sounded bad. The guy’s name is Santo.”

Cam’s eyes widened almost comically at that, his expression dark. “Of course, we would end up with Santo Ferrer’s fucking sister on board.” Camden laughed, but he clearly didn’t find any of it funny.

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