Page 19 of Bootlegger's Bounty

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“You don’t know a damn thing,” Cam shot back, but there was a lot less heat in his voice.

He saw it clearly—Rosi singing, and the two of them running the club—and when Enzo saw something he wanted, he went and got it. Just like he’d done that night he’d written a letter to his uncle in New York, asking for help with his father. Like he’d done when he’d asked Big Joe for this job.

“You remember about six months ago when Joe had to pull out of the big meetings up in Mohonk?” Cam pulled a face, but after a minute, he nodded.

“Yeah, he had pneumonia.” All the northeast bosses had called a meeting to discuss the rum-running routes, but Joe, who controlled a good chunk of them, had been nowhere to be seen.

“He took one in the arm and one in the leg,” Enzo told Cam, who stared at him in shock. “He would’ve taken two to the chest, if I hadn’t stopped them with my own arm.” He saw the moment Cam realized the gravity of what Enzo had said.

The captain gripped the wheel hard enough to snap it off. The instant he’d stabilized it, he pulled Enzo to him, clearly too concerned to realize what he was revealing to his supposed nemesis. “Are you all right? Is it healed?” Cam asked, his voice frantic.

“I’m fine,” Enzo griped, even as he fought the grin tipping up his lips at the big man’s protective reaction.

God, Enzo had wanted him for so long. Always brooding, with that black hair hanging in his face. Enzo’s desire to go down on his knees for Cam had been like a fever for years. But the captain had always looked at Enzo like he was a bug he wanted to smash under his boots. He wasn’t looking at him like that now. Cam’s eyes were burning him, lust and concern mingling in that stormy gaze.

They were close, their mouths inches apart. If either man leaned in just a little, they’d be kissing. Enzo wanted that more than his next breath, but he’d waited so long, he could hold off a little longer. There were truths he needed to say. Tonight, he was setting Camden McCollough straight.

“I am more than fine because those two bullets are my ticket out from under my uncle,” Enzo quipped. Cam frowned at his words, and Enzo moved a little closer. “He was as surprised as anything when I asked him to come on this trip.”

“He didn’t send you?” Camden’s astonishment would’ve been almost humorous, if Enzo’s heart weren’t about to explode through his sternum.

“I asked, in fact. I said I’d do this last thing for him, and if he let me walk away from his business, we’d be square.” He’d done a lot more than that—he’d arranged for that hit. Had stood in front of his uncle and taken the bullets as his payment for the chance to walk away. But that was a secret that might not ever be safe to share.

“What are you playing at, Enzo?” Cam demanded, his eyes narrowed, his chin set mutinously.

Enzo didn’t blame Cam for being suspicious. Until now, the two of them had seemingly harbored nothing but animosity toward each other. As smitten as he was with Cam, Enzo slept with an eye open from the moment he’d boarded the man’s rig. But now Enzo saw a path for the future he wanted. One that didn’t involve his uncle’s goons and running errands for two-bit gangsters. He knew in his gut this possibility was worth risking everything for.

“You tell me, big man,” he whispered, his face turned up to Cam. Cam’s size, the way he towered over Enzo, made his skin tighten with want. It made him want to take Cam’s fat cock into his mouth—and he’d do that, but he first wanted to get some more truths out.

“I think you and I both want the same thing—to get out from under Big Joe’s thumb and move on with our lives. I’m good with numbers. I have ambitions. I’ve wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you, and now with Rosi…we could have it all,” Enzo added, watching Cam’s face closely. “You know I’m right.” Cam’s expression was almost resentful, but he didn’t argue. “We’re perfect together. I know I’m dying for more.”

Cam huffed a bitter laugh and lifted a shoulder, returning his hands to the wheel. “If you think I’m going to throw my life away for a fuck, you are out of your mind.”

“Are you really going to walk away from this?” Enzo practically shouted, frustrated beyond belief with this oversized lummox. “You have to know Valverde’s rum is gone. As thin as it is, your only chance is trying to get these bottles Rosalía told you about. We cannot go back to Atlantic City empty-handed, Camden. Nothing would make Big Joe happier than to have an excuse to keep you running around the Caribbean getting him rum.” That stark reality seemed to slice through some of the stubbornness.

“I know that,” Cam bit out, giving Enzo hope. “But Santo Ferrer is a fucking loose cannon. Stealing from him isn’t exactly a safe bet.”

“He won’t know it was us,” Enzo needled. “No one even knows we’re here. Valverde’s crew didn’t know what we were looking for. As far as they’re concerned, all we wanted was the cargo they had.” He saw that some of his reasoning was getting through because Cam’s expression was at least somewhat receptive. “And there’s no way he’ll guess his sister randomly ended up on your boat and told you about the stash in Nassau.”

“You know you’re playing with both our lives—and hers,” Cam pointed out.

“I’m taking a shot at something I want,” Enzo said, risking the last couple of inches between them. “I can help you run the numbers at the club, Cap. I’m good at it.” Enzo didn’t need to convince Cam about that; he was known for it. When Cam didn’t push him away, Enzo got bolder and clutched the back of the bigger man’s head, then brought it down so their mouths were almost touching. Enzo’s lips prickled with the need to kiss. “Rosalía will sing, you’ll manage the talent and the crew, and I’ll keep us in the black and deal with the unsavory sorts you won’t.”

Camden let out a bark of a laugh at that, his eyes crinkling. He looked so handsome. Enzo almost swooned. “I don’t trust you not to burn this ship down with all of us in it. You think I’d let you into my club?”

That smarted, but Enzo didn’t expect the man would relent without a fight.

“That hurts, Cap,” he quipped with a brattish tone that got him a bone-melting growl in response. “I’m just trying to give you a new outlook on the situation at hand, given the recent change in circumstances.” This he emphasized by brushing his erection against Cam’s leg and scraping his teeth on the man’s jaw, which earned him another one of those flustered, lusty sounds. “Since we’ve recently discovered we have a thing for fucking a woman at the same time.”

Another growl, but this time that fat cock brushed against Enzo in a very promising way. He wanted it on his tongue so bad, his mouth flooded with saliva at the thought. But that would have to wait just a little longer. “Which leads me to the next question: What do I need to do to convince you my plan will work?”

“Your plan is to get your dick in Rosi and my dick in you,” Cam observed flatly, even though there was a crinkle around his eyes that made Enzo more than a little weak-kneed.

“That’s true enough.” Enzo laughed. “But do you blame me? Because I’d love to take a shot at that pussy, and I know you want her again.”

“I can control myself.” Camden loved to act tough, but Enzo saw the way he reacted to Rosi, the hungry stares he sent her way. “I don’t need my dick sucked twice a day to function.”

Enzo smiled, noticing Cam’s hardheaded streak was definitely waning. “But I bet you wouldn’t mind it. I saw you looking at me when she had me down her throat. You wanted something…that involved my mouth.” Enzo licked his top lip and pushed his groin up. Cam’s hardness bumped against his with delicious friction.
