Page 60 of Rancher's Edge

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I ached for Kipp to be home, the wind picked up and with everything going on I wanted him here to deal with things. Closing the door to the bedroom, I wandered to the kitchen. “What’s your name, little one?” I asked quietly, hoping not to scare her.

“Josie,” She mumbled into my neck.

“That’s a very pretty name. I’m Nora. I suppose I’m your Auntie Nora.” I hugged her tightly to me and she relaxed in my arms. “I have a little boy, he's almost five, his name is Cooper and you’ll meet your Uncle Kipp soon, I’m sure.” Nash would get word to him almost as soon as he got off the phone with the doctor I guessed.

The door swung open with a thud and Josie cowered in my arms. There was no doubt in my mind who was here. I smoothed down her hair and talked quietly. “It’s just your Uncle Kipp. He’s big, but he’s not scary.” Usually, I thought to myself. He came around the kitchen door and stopped in his tracks.

“Hi babe, this is Josie, your niece.” His eyes softened and he looked back at me.

“Well, Miss Josie, welcome to the ranch. Could you tell me where your mamma is?” Kipp arched his brow and waited.

“She’s in my old room.” He turned to go to her but I reached out and grabbed his arm. He turned back to me. “Kipp she’s going to have a baby, like tonight. Nash called Doc Gordon.” I watched as Kipp shook his head.

“He’s not going to get here, the storm hit just as we got to the gap. That’s why we’re home. Had to ride like hell to beat it back.” He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I need to go see her.”

“Yes, you do,” I agreed with him. “And Kipp, be nice, she’s umm in a bad way.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. A frown crossed his face and he turned and left the room.

“He’s big,” Josie mumbled into my neck.

“Yes he is.” I giggled just as Cooper walked in, dragging his stuff behind him.

“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry your weekend was ruined.” I kneeled down and hugged him.

“Who’s she?” he asked, his eyes locked on Josie.

“Well, she’s your cousin. She’s two, and her name is Josie. How about I fix you both something to eat?” Cooper nodded and so did Josie, who had finally let go of the death grip she had on me.

“Come on, Josie. I’ll show you around.” He held out his hand for her, and she went willingly. My heart warmed at the sight, and I pressed my hands to my abdomen. There was no doubt he was going to be a great big brother.

Kipp walked back into the kitchen and took a seat at the table, he was ashen, and I didn’t recognize the look in his eyes, Nash followed close behind. “I’m going to kill him,” Kipp said flatly. “If he ever comes here, I will put a bullet in him and nobody will ever find him.” I went over to him, stood behind him and wrapped my arms around him. My hands rested on his chest, feeling his heart thundering.

“I’ll be shooting with you,” Nash declared, closing his eyes. He stood and walked away from the table.

“I love you,” Kipp said softly.

“I love you, too. You’re a good man, Kipp. Our kids are lucky to have you for a dad.” He pulled me around and I sat on his lap, his hand resting on my stomach.

“I’ll keep them all safe, however many there are. Not one of them will come home looking like her.” He rested his head against mine and his shoulders shook ever so slightly. “I couldn’t take care of her, Nora.”

I wiped his tears with my hand and turned his face to mine. “She made choices, Kipp. You can’t change those. But what you can do is make sure she knows she has a home with us for as long as she needs it.” He smiled and held me tighter. “Now can you kiss me? I’m probably not going to get to bed tonight, and I need just a bit of you to keep going.” I smiled as the sparkle in his eye returned. There was no hesitation, only tender passion as we melted into one another, mouths parting, allowing each other a private moment.

We sat in comfortable silence with one another, something we’d always been able to do. Nine months ago, I came here with nothing, relying only on myself and now my son had his dad, I had a partner in every sense of the word, and we were growing our family. Life couldn’t get much better than this.
