Page 57 of Calder

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He shrugs. “Come on. Let’s go see what this is about.”

“What do you think it’s about? They won’t have a problem with us being together; we are both adults,” I state.

“We won’t know until we go out there, baby. I am not a fucking mind reader.” He grins. “Come on.”

After we are dressed, we walk into the main room to see what issue that has arisen that involves the both of us.

Calder stops, and I almost collide with him as he stares at the woman in the middle of the room with his parents standing close by with Finan.

“We need to talk, Son,” Rookie calls, and my stomach sinks.



My heart stutters in my chest seeing the portly older lady standing in the middle of the clubhouse, looking like she would rather be anywhere but here.

“Mr. Calder Price?” she asks.

“Yeah. Who are you?” I step away from Kady, closer to my family.

“My name is Cludetta Armstrong. I am with Children’s Services, and I believe that you are the father of the child who was left in our care seven days ago.”

I bark out a laugh. My heart skips a beat in my chest and my palms begin to sweat.

“Calder.” I turn my head at the sound of my father’s voice.

I see the look in his eyes. That one look that tells me the woman is telling me the truth. Some random woman is claiming that her kid is mine.

A man walks into the room with a car seat hanging from his hand. My body goes numb seeing the newborn baby, covered with a grey blanket.

“No way,” I snap.

“Mr. Price, the baby was brought to us a week ago. His mother is Leslie Almaron.”

I cough hearing the name of the chick who I banged over a weekend when we went to a biker festival. She worked at a bar there, was fun as fuck, and liked to have sex in public places.

“She brought the baby boy to us, explaining that you were his father, and that she is unable to take care of him. You are listed on his birth certificate.” She hands it to me, but I step back, not wanting to touch it.

My father steps in, taking it from her.

“Where is she now?” the soft sound of my mother’s voice asks.

“We don’t know. She signed papers saying that she was signing the baby over to you, Mr. Price.”

“CALDER,” I bark. “Just Calder is fine,” I say with a lower tone. “Sorry.”

She looks at me with a sympathetic gaze.

“I know this is a shock, Calder. It would be for anyone. Pending a DNA test, we are allowed by law to leave the baby with you, as you are listed as the father. I have also looked into your club, and I have no issues leaving him here with you.”

I look down to the bundle in the car seat. His little face soft and calm as he sleeps.

“He is a good baby. Sleeps well and is taking his milk good. When his mother dropped him off he was taken for a full medical check and they found no issues, he’s perfectly healthy.” I nod at her information, glad that he is healthy and doing well.

“How old is he?”

With a smile she replies, “He is three weeks old.”
