Page 66 of Calder

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With a tight smile she leads me into her house, locking the door that separates the two buildings. I know she has another room for making her designs, but I think that is a part of the house.

My gaze drops to her ass, looking fine and ready to be nibbled on. Biting my lip, I let out an appreciative groan. Kady looks over her shoulder at me, cocking an eyebrow at me in question.

“What, it is a nice ass.”

“I know.”

Smirking at her confidence, I set the coffees and box of pastries on the kitchen island, leaning my forearms on it, as I watch Kady get paper plates from the cupboard and some napkins.

We say nothing as she sets them out, picking up the bear claw she wants, then adds sugar to her latte. Licking her lips is such an innocent act but it has my cock driving head first into dirty thoughts territory, with her right beside me, or on her knees doing sinful things with that mouth.

Sipping her coffee, Kady leans against the counter, watching me watch her. Her gaze has changed, showing regret and concern. Not the usual fire and desire I get when she looks at me.

Her shoulders are tense and I fucking hate it but shit needs to be said between us so we can move forward. She may not want to, but I am not giving up, she can fuck off with that thought.

“How is Kane?” she finally breaks the silence.

Hearing my son’s name on her lips makes me smile.

It has been hard not to reach out to her, but my mom and brother said that she needed time. I got the gist that Finan was not happy with her, especially when he came home from paying her a visit, and he was pissed, but once Joss got a hold of him, explaining to him that Kady had every right to feel what she was feeling, just like he has dealt with his emotions over the years, he calmed down and looked at it differently.

“He is good,” is all I reply, and she nods at my answer.

We are at a standstill, neither of us speaking.

I drink some of my coffee, keeping my eyes on her, while she looks at me.

I can see her here, making Kane his breakfast, smiling at me while I try to feed him but making a mess at the same time. The past few days have made me see shit differently, forcing my plans to change, because now they include a fucking child.

The DNA results came back, confirming what we all knew, that he was my son. Maverick and Astrid have looked into finding Leslie, but no luck so far. The lady from Child Services was happy to sign off on everything, leaving Kane in my care.

Fuck me, having a baby has been a huge adjustment but one I am taking on as a challenge and fucking smashing it. The kid shits like a fucking explosion has gone off in his diaper, but I deal.

Hell, I have to.

He is mine.

“Did you get everything sorted with that lady?” Her voice pulls me back to the room.

“We did. He is my son.” I huff a laugh. “Who the fuck would leave me responsible for a baby, I have no fucking clue, but I will learn and do my best for him. I love him already.”

“I know you will,” her voice is low, barely a whisper.

“Just me?” I can’t stop the question slipping out.

I have to think of Kane, and I do understand that she may not want to be with me because of him, but I need her to come out right and say it. No way will I have a woman in his life who is there for me and not him.

I know my cock is good, and I know how to fuck, but my son comes before sex.

I almost choke on the thought, but I have to man-up, or dad-up as Jack told me.

Coughing to clear my throat I look back to her, seeing her sigh, her shoulders dropping.

“Let’s go and sit down for this.”

I follow her into the living room, I sit on the opposite side of the sofa from her, both of us shifting so we are facing each other.

Her next words shock the fucking shit out of me.
