Page 89 of In the Shadows

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“Probably the EMT. Maybe you had moments of consciousness while they were cutting you out of the car.”

Hearing him say that, I leaned back in my chair, exasperated. “I don’t have a fucking car now, do I?”

Kip’s brows dipped with concern. “You’ve still got your other one. Since you drove the BMW more, your Mercedes is still in its parking space.”

“Oh.” I glanced at the food growing cold on my plate. “How did I not know that?”

“Don’t think too much of it. Your body has been through hell. Just try to relax and let your friends and girlfriend take care of you for a week or so. If there are any more memory issues, we’ll call the doctor, but stressing over it won’t help any.”

Finally, I shoved a forkful of rice into my mouth. “You’re right. I remember a ton of other stuff.”

“Do you know Ella stayed next to your bedside at the hospital?”

My heart skipped a beat, recalling the moment I saw her. “Yeah.”

“Man, she never left you, Bass. Ella slept there, showered there, and ate there. You don’t do that unless you really care about someone.”

I swallowed my food and stared at him, finally feeling something good again. “Why do you think that?”

“Well, the way she looks at you for starters, like you’re the only person on the planet. Chicks don’t hang out at hospitals like that, either. There’s definitely something there. Hell, she even got feisty with a nurse for wanting to wake you up again.” Kip chuckled. “You did a good job when you found her. I think she’s a great fit for our group.”

“Her father has cancer. Unfortunately, she’s had a lot of time in hospitals.” I ate another bite, my stomach feeling better as it had some food. “And thanks. She’s pretty special.”

“I think she’ll be good for you.”

I set the fork on the side of my plate and looked at my friend. “Would you think I was crazy if I told you I think I’m in love with her?”

“You’re already crazy, dude.”

Our laughter was a nice change. “Everything inside me wants to move her into the penthouse with me, but it’s too soon. I can’t rush things between us.”

Kip massaged the back of his neck. “Wow. I’ve never heard you talk about anyone like that before.”

“I know. I just worry I’ll do something to fuck it up.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think you can scare her off. Just don’t cheat on her.”

“You know me better than that. I’m a one girl kind of guy.”

Kip cleared his throat, appearing uncomfortable. “Is she seeing anyone else?”

Something in his tone hit me the wrong way, and the idea of sharing a future with Ella suddenly came to a screeching halt.

Chapter 43


Ireached over and took his hand. “What was it, Dope? It’s okay, you can talk to me.” I was afraid to hear what he was about to say, and I remained quiet until Dope was ready to tell me what he saw at Sebastian’s childhood home.

He took a long, slow drag of his joint and held it for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he exhaled and the wind swept away the acrid smell of the marijuana. His hands shook and his eyes held a faraway look as if he were living that day over again. “His parents … butchered.”

I gasped as my hand flew over my mouth, and my entire body stiffened with horror. Oh god, I’m so stressed I’m hearing shit that isn’t true.

“There was so much blood. So. Much. Fucking. Blood, Ella. The stench was almost as bad. Even though I was fucking panicked, I forced myself to walk to the edge of the kitchen. I knew better than to go in. My mom watched a ton of crime shows, and all I could think of was not contaminating any evidence. Anyway, I stopped at the threshold and peered in. What I saw fucking snapped me in two. Huddled in the corner was Bass, holding a bloody knife in his hand and shaking violently.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I hissed as I shot up from my seat. My emotions churned and burned inside me. Poor Sebastian. Poor Dope. Oh my god. He’d said his parents had died, but he hadn’t wanted to talk about it. I thought they’d been in a car accident, but this … holy fucking shit … this. Could the situation get any worse? “Tell me he didn’t kill his parents, Dope. Please,” I begged, strangling on my own words.

“He didn’t. Not really.”
