Page 96 of In the Shadows

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As if he had read my thoughts, he stepped back and waved me inside. My attention was glued to him as he pulled on a navy polo, his biceps and chest muscles flexing with each move.

“Let me take your briefcase and purse. I’ll set them next to the couch.”

I gave him my items but held onto my phone. Watching him walk away, I focused on the muscles flexing in his long legs and ass.

“You’re getting around really well.”

“Doc said I surprised him with how fast I’m healing.” He strolled over to me again and wrapped me in his arms. “Now that your bags aren’t in the way.” His focus dropped to my mouth, then moved back up to my eyes before he pressed his lips to mine, and I melted into him.

Placing my palms against his chest, I relished the beat of his heart beneath my fingertips. I had almost lost him in the accident. It had been a wake-up call for how I truly felt about him.

His tongue slipped into my mouth, swirling and dancing with my own. Fire and electricity sparked between us, and it felt so right. Sebastian’s hand traveled up my back, moved under my long, dark hair, and wrapped around my neck. His touch made my mind blink offline as my body took the driver’s seat, responding to him on a level beyond my control.

I arched into him, pressing my hips against his thick erection, mentally begging him to be inside me. Even though I hadn’t had sex with Sebastian, I had with Death. A little voice inside my gut reminded me that Sebastian wasn’t aware that I’d slept with him already, so I had to play it cool and allow him to take the lead.

Sebastian broke our kiss and pressed his forehead against mine as he cupped the back of my head, cradling me in his palm.

“I’ve missed you so fucking bad. Stay with me tonight.”

I laughed softly. “I would love to. I just need to leave early enough to change clothes before I have to be at work at nine.”

“Done.” He took my hand and led me to the kitchen. “I have to check on the food. I took the liberty of pouring you a glass of wine. It’s best after it breathes for half an hour.”

I smoothed my red silk blouse and sat at the small table in the nook. I sank my teeth into my lower lip as I watched him gracefully move about the kitchen.

“What?” he asked, grinning at me.

“You just seem very comfortable in here. I like it.”

His brow rose. “Yeah? Guess I’ll have to cook for you more often then.”

“I can’t support that until I taste your food. It might smell good but taste like crap.” I laughed, enjoying the light conversation. The last week had been emotionally heavy, and I was ready to move forward.

My phone vibrated against the tabletop, and I snatched it up and answered.

“Hi, Mom. How are you?”

“Hi, honey. We’re hanging in there. I wanted to see how you’re doing and give you an update on your father.”

My chest squeezed tight, wondering if it was good news. I shoved the hope back into a box and prepared for the worst. Over the last year, we’d thought each treatment would be different, but they all fell flat.

“I’m fine. Somehow, I’m managing to stay out of trouble.” I said, keeping it lighthearted for a moment before she broke me with bad news. “But tell me about Dad.”

“The doctor just gave us an update. He had some tests run the other day. I didn’t want to tell you about them until we knew if the trial was working.”

I stilled, holding my breath as I looked over at Sebastian, who had stopped banging pans when he realized Mom was on the phone.

“It’s working, Ella. The tests show a big improvement already.”

I slapped my hand over my mouth, tears spilling down my face. “Oh my god. Mom, they’re sure? They’re a hundred percent positive?” I asked around my muffled cries.

“Yeah. They’re positive, sweetie. When we come home, he’ll still have some appointments to monitor the progress and treatment. They’ll keep him in the trial and track results over the next few years, but he’s going to be okay.”

“Mom.” Emotions clogged my throat. “Tell Dad I love him, and I can’t wait to see you both.”

“Oh, honey, us too.” She sniffled. “Tell me about work. How are the cases going?”

I grinned. Mom always changed the topic when she was super emotional. Apparently, I did the same, so I understood the need to redirect. “Good. I’ve just started a new case that’s really interesting and keeps my attention. It’s nice to be back.”
