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"So what do you think?" she asked JT later as she poured him a pint of beer. "Do I also need to make myself available for social outings with the guests?"

He took a sip and she watched him lick a bit of foam from his top lip. "You're not a regular employee, so no, but if you're interested you can do whatever the hell you want." He smiled, but there was no mistaking the sharp edge in his tone.

"Nah," she said, and gave a little wave to the last of the guests as they left. "It's nice to have the attention, but I don't think so."

"Now Colleen, you and I both know you've never lacked for male attention."

Maybe she was imagining things, but she could have sworn his eyes darkened with heat. Molly's words rang in her head. Maybe you should make the first move.

Okay, so she wasn't quite ready to leap over the bar and find out if his full lips were as strong and soft as they looked, but maybe it was time to dust off her flirting skills in earnest.

"I'm flattered that you think so." She reached up to toy with her necklace, which brought his attention to where the charm rested between her breasts.

His gaze flicked down, then back up, then down again and he took a deep pull of his beer.

"But lately it seems like I'm not getting attention from the people I'd like to get it from."

She leaned down and propped her elbows on the bar.

"Is that right?" he said as he leaned his own elbows on the bar, close enough that she could feel the heat of his skin through his shirt sleeves. His scent, all soap and leather, surrounded her and she could see the faint stubble darkening his firm jaw. "What kind of man would be that stupid?"

Her lips quirked in a little smile and she cocked an eyebrow at him. She brushed her index finger against his chest as she moved her gaze deliberately to his mouth.

His strong fingers traced up the bare skin of her arms, sending a jolt of heat sizzling through her. Lids heavy, he leaned closer until finally...

One big palm wrapped around her neck as his mouth pressed against hers. God, his lips were soft, but firm too as they parted over hers. Then there was that first flick of his tongue that had warmth pooling between her thighs as she opened her mouth eagerly to meet his.

She slid her tongue against his, groaning at the hot, male taste of him. Her own hand went up to wrap around his neck, and her fingers sank into his thick, dark hair as she tried to get even closer.


He jerked out of her grasp at the exaggerated sound. Colleen knew her blush matched his own as they both turned to see Paulina standing at the end of the bar.

From the smirk on her face, Colleen knew Paulina had seen everything.

"Sorry," Paulina said. "I was just coming in to grab a bottle of wine to take over to Amelia's cabin." She ducked behind the bar and grabbed herself a bottle of Pinot Noir. "Just put it on my account," she said and quickly retreated.

One look at his face—gaze shuttered, mouth in a grim line—told her they weren't going to pick up where they left off. "I should get going," he finally said.

Confused, Colleen didn't try to stop him. When she got home that night she sent him a favorite quote from Southpark, hoping he'd respond with something that would make her laugh. And tried to tell herself she wasn't bitterly disappointed when she woke up the next morning and there was still no response.

Chapter 8

JT grunted as he slung the heavy saddle across the horse's back. In quick, efficient motions he fastened the cinch, then led the animal to the picket rail to wait for his rider. He pushed his hat back and swiped his arm across his forehead. It was only eight thirty, and already the June sun was scorching.

His cousin led another horse out, and JT grabbed a bridle and draped the reins over the horse's neck before he slipped the rope over its head.

"Hey." He turned to see Paulina striding towards him, her boots kicking up dust as she wove her way through the wranglers saddling horses in the barnyard.

"What's up?" he asked as he quickly slipped the bit into the horse's mouth and got the bridle over its head.

"I don't know, you tell me?" One brow cocked over the frames of her sunglasses.

JT shot her a look and then turned to settle a blanket on the horse's back.

"You know what I'm talking about. 'JT and Colleen sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S—"

"Zip it!" He finished saddling the horse and took a quick look around. Luckily, the barnyard was abuzz with activity as they got the horses ready for the morning ride, and no one appeared to have heard his sister's obnoxious taunting.
