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He greeted Colleen with a nod and a firm handshake, all business. Once they were all seated, Catherine pulled out two copies of paperwork and passed one over for David to review with Gregory while she did the same with Colleen.

"The first two pages are the appraisers' reports," Catherine began. Colleen and Gregory had each hired a separate person to determine the current value of their property.

"We averaged out the two valuations, deducted the outstanding mortgage, and split that number in half. This is the amount you owe to Colleen," she said, indicating the paperwork.

They were both instructed to sign that they agreed to the appraised value of the home and the division of assets.

Gregory frowned, exchanged a look with his lawyer, but didn't argue. The sound of pen scratching across paper filled the otherwise quiet room as they took turns signing where indicated.

"I hope you brought a check?" Catherine smiled at Gregory.

He dug his wallet out of his pocket and pulled out a blank check. Colleen watched as he wrote her a check in the indicated amount, his signature a nearly illegible scrawl.

This was it. All the money she needed to get them free and clear of her father's medical bills.

He slid the check to Colleen as Catherine gathered the signed paperwork and pulled out another set of papers.

"This is an interspousal deed transfer, and by signing this, Colleen relinquishes any claim to or responsibility for the property, and her name will be removed from the deed.

Catherine’s paralegal, who was a licensed notary, was called in to witness their signatures and put the official stamp on the documents.

"Wonderful," Catherine said. "Now, as soon as I have confirmation from Colleen that the check has cleared, I'll file it with the court."

Colleen looked at the check and frowned. "And what if it doesn't clear?" Her gaze lifted, narrowing as it met Gregory's.

"Then we will meet in court, and I'm sure Gregory won't mind paying the additional fees," she said with a toothy grin.

"It will clear, I promise," Gregory said, looking offended that anyone would think otherwise.

Colleen raised an eyebrow. "You promised me a lot of things over the years. Forgive me if I don't take your word for it."

She walked out of the conference room feeling like a thousand-pound weight had been lifted from her shoulders. There was the anticipation of being free from her father's medical bills, but it was more than that.

Her last tie to Gregory had finally been severed. After nearly a decade of him being central to her existence, he was out of her life completely.

A year, even six months ago, the idea of being completely disconnected from him was unbearable. Now it left her feeling so light, it was like she was walking on air.

She called JT to let her know she was finished.

"I'm right down in front," he replied.

She walked out of the building to find him leaning against his truck, his dimples flashing as he grinned at the sight of her. Her heart skipped a beat, at how unbearably gorgeous he was, at his bright, white smile meant only for her, at the way he held his arms out and gathered her to him. He cupped her cheek in his hand, tilted her head back and gave her a hard, hot kiss that had her forgetting all about Gregory, paperwork, and the fact that they were out in public.

"Whew," she said when he lifted his head, a little dizzy.

"I thought you might want to give them a good show." He glanced over her shoulder. She turned just enough to catch Gregory and Angela out of the corner of her eye as they left the building.

She smiled and pressed her lips to his for another quick kiss. "I mostly just wanted to kiss you, but the show works for me too."

As JT opened the passenger door for her, she snuck a better look. Sure enough, Gregory was watching them, his heavy brow furrowed as though he was troubled.

Colleen's inner fifteen-year-old delighted in seeing his discomfort. She knew it was a small taste compared to what she'd had to endure at his hands, but she hoped he felt just a little bit icky when faced with the evidence that she, too, was moving on.

Her inner thirty-year-old was thrilled at the way JT held open the door for her and helped her inside the cab of the truck.

Was it her, or was the sky somehow brighter, the air a little bit fresher? She pulled her seatbelt across and clipped it. All she knew was that she felt like she'd stepped into an entirely new reality, one full of beauty and hope. One she hadn't experienced in years.

One she'd been convinced—even as recently as this morning—would never exist again.
