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"That was amazing," he said after a while. "You are amazing." He cupped the back of her head and urged her mouth to his.

"I think you're pretty amazing too."

His kiss was so soft and sweet it nearly brought tears to her eyes. And the way he touched her, his hands running over the curves of her body like he wanted to imprint them on his memory... she couldn't remember ever feeling so cared for. So cherished.

When she woke up again, sunlight had found its way through the seam of the drapes, striping the light blue carpet.

She smiled at the feel of JT, spooned up against her back, one arm wrapped around her waist as though he was afraid she would try to escape while he slept.

Not a chance, she thought as she ran her fingers up and down the corded muscles of his forearm.

She felt him stir behind her, sighed in pleasure at the feel of his lips against the curve of her neck.

"Damn, is that the time?"

She turned her head to see him squinting at the clock on the bedside table. Nine forty-two.

"I can't remember the last time I slept this late." He pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

"We've got nothing to do and nowhere to be, so we might as well enjoy it."

His hand slid to her hip. "A whole day with nothing to do? I wonder how we'll pass the time?"

She grinned as the hard length of his erection brushed against her ass. As if on cue, a surge of heat pooled between her own thighs. "I have a feeling you'll think of something," she said and snuggled closer.

Eventually they dragged themselves out of bed. First to the shower where Colleen proved herself to be an expert at washing JT's back, not to mention other body parts demanding attention. He was equally thorough, prompting her to comment, "I don't think my boobs have ever been this clean."

Then to an early dinner, after JT's violently growling stomach reminded them they hadn't eaten since the night before.

They walked hand in hand to a sports bar a few blocks from the hotel. JT knew he must have looked like an idiot, walking down the street with a grin plastered on his face. He couldn't help it. He tried, but couldn't remember ever feeling this happy.

Colleen was feeling it too, if her own grin was anything to go by. Everything about her was lighter, more at ease, now that the weight of her father's debts was finally off her shoulders.

He liked to think the day spent rolling around on the hotel bed had something to do with it too.

Later, after their dinners of burgers and beer, they went back to the hotel and snuggled up in bed to watch a movie as they shared a bottle of wine.

"I wish we didn't have to go home tomorrow. This is the best trip ever," she said as she took a sip of her wine.

"You must not get out much," he chuckled, squeezing her hand resting on his thigh, "if a couple days in Billings is enough to thrill you."

She shrugged. "A comfy bed, good food, great sex." Her hand drifted further up his thigh. "And an amazing guy to share it with. That's all I need to make me happy." Then, in a small whisper, "Being with you makes me happy."

JT swallowed around the lump that had settled in his throat. He turned slightly so he could see her as her head rested against his shoulder. "You make me happy too, Colleen."

Chapter 20

"So now that you've got the money from Gregory, I suppose you won't have to work at the ranch anymore."

They had been on the road for about an hour, having left the hotel shortly after breakfast. Colleen wanted to spend some time with her mother before she went to work at Adele's.

"That's true, I don't need the extra money anymore. However," she moved her hand across the bench seat of his truck so she could rest it on his thigh, "the job has some other perks, like getting to see you even when you're slammed with guests."

He turned his attention from the road long enough to flash her a grin. "I'll be busy this weekend with the wedding and all, but I don't always work late, even in the summer. I just wanted you to think that at first so I'd have an excuse to lurk around. If you want to quit bartending, we can spend your evenings off together, like a real couple."

A real couple. She liked the sound of that, now that the idea of it didn't scare her half to death.

"I promised Molly I'd keep working at Adele's for at least a few weeks after the baby comes, but unless I'm working the night shift at the hospital, I'll be able to hang out with you."
