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Still, the thought of living all alone in the big old house once her mom moved out sent a wave of loneliness washing over her. The thought carried an extra sting when she considered that just a week ago, she had allowed herself to dream about a future where she came home to JT every night.

Her eyes burned at the thought of him, and she missed him so much it was like a physical ache. She couldn't get him out of her head and wondered over and over if she should just let it go and give him another chance.

But she always came back to the same conclusion, to the lesson Gregory had taught her in the most brutal way. If she couldn't trust the man she loved, how could she ever feel safe? What kind of future could they have?

"I'm glad this all worked out so well for everybody." Robert rose from the table and gathered up the paperwork. "I'll have the money wired to the escrow account later this afternoon, and if all goes as planned, the deal will close by the end of the month."

"Thanks, Robert." Eileen stood and gave him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek and left the kitchen to walk him to the door.

Across the table, Liam was pensive. "I know it's what Mom wants, but I still don't feel right about it. Knowing how Robert went behind JT's back like that."

Colleen shook her head. "I know you think he'd never lie about it." Liam had told her this over and over when he found out why she and JT had split. "But I worked with him all summer. There is nothing that happens at the ranch that he doesn't know about. He had to be in on this somehow."

"You're forgetting that they put the deal together with Cort, so it was easy enough to keep JT in the dark. And, more importantly, if JT had really been in on this deal, do you really think he would have quit his job at the ranch over it?"

Colleen's stomach flipped and she jerked back in surprise. "What are you talking about?"

"I just talked to JT this morning. He told me he gave his dad and his uncles his resignation last week. The day after you dumped him."

Her head was spinning as she struggled to absorb what Liam was telling her. "He can't quit. That place, that job, is everything to him. He would never leave."

"You know how frustrated he's been lately. I guess this thing with Cort was the last straw."

"What is he going to do now?"

"He's staying through the end of the guest season, but he told me he's already sent his resume to some other big guest ranches, looking for a GM position."

Her heart broke for JT. She knew how much he loved the ranch, how the land was like a part of him. To feel so betrayed by his family to give it all up....


He'd been betrayed.

Over the last week, she'd had a nagging suspicion that she had made a mistake in not believing JT. She'd dismissed it, convincing herself she was making excuses for him, blinding herself to the truth as she had with Gregory. Now she couldn't deny the reality.

She felt like she was falling into a vortex as the enormity of her mistake overwhelmed her. JT's face flashed in her head, anguished as he said, "I'm not like your ex."

How many times had he proven that over the last few months? How many times would he have to prove it before she would allow herself to believe him? To trust him?

How long was she going to continue to let her past make her life miserable? Did she really want to spend the rest of her life alone, unable to ever trust another man with her heart?

No. She loved JT. She wanted to trust him. She wanted to be happy.

She had to fix this.

The gravel crunched under her sandals as she walked toward the office. Even though the late August weather was hot and sunny, goosebumps formed on Colleen's arms and legs, left bare by her sundress. She'd chosen the red sleeveless dress intentionally, knowing JT appreciated the way it fell to mid-thigh and showed off her toned legs.

Her hands were clammy and her stomach was twisted in knots as she walked up the front steps. She was afraid it was going to take more than a cute dress to convince JT to give her another chance. But she'd take all the help she could get.

"Hi." Paulina sounded surprised when she looked up at Colleen from her seat behind the reception desk.

Colleen's lips felt stiff as she forced them into a smile. "Is JT around? I was hoping to talk to him."

"He's in his office." She nodded toward the closed door.

Colleen took a deep breath, trying to get her stomach to settle down and her heart to stop pounding against her breastbone. This was JT she was dealing with. One of the kindest, sweetest, most amazing men on the planet. Surely he'd be willing to listen to her explanation and her apology. Surely he would be willing to get past her mistake in judgement.

She gave the door a quick, sharp rap and shifted nervously from foot to foot until she heard his muffled, "Come in."
