Page 28 of Grave Consequences

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“That’s good. I’ll let you go. I know you're .”

“We finished a little early, so I’m getting ready to head back now.”

“That’s great. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep.”

“I’ll try.” She probably wouldn’t get much sleep. This was her first date in a long time. Since she left University of Pennsylvania in favor of the wildlife biology program at Penn State. A choice her father still lamented, but it was hers to make and now that she was in the field, she was glad she’d chosen the career path she had. It was perfect for her. “See you in the morning.” Her smile lingered as she headed down the mountain. He was the first man who’d ever called so he could hear her voice. Yeah. She might just be smitten.

Malachi pulled up outside of the house where Cate rented an apartment. They had a busy day ahead of them. They would end their date with a Zach Bryan concert over at the Bryce Jordan Center, but he hadn’t told her that part yet. He wasn’t into country music himself, but he’d caught it coming from the speakers in her car more than once, so he was taking the chance that she was a fan and would appreciate going to the concert.

He hurried up the stairs leading to the apartment over the garage. His mind wasn’t on the day ahead of them though. Kevin called while he was making the scones to let him know that from what he’d discovered it looked like the community Ezekiel James had started had been reformed and was thriving. The last he could find, they’d been chased off their land.

That might explain why his mother was in Pennsylvania. He wondered if she’d returned to West Virginia yet. He had so many questions for her, but, at present, he had no clue how to find her. Cate answered his knock and ushered him inside. Her calico cat perched herself on the top of the sofa and watched as Cate slipped on her shoes and grabbed her backpack purse.

Once inside the car, her eyes widened. “I smell them. Where did you hide them?”

He laughed, and the release was nice. Reaching into the backseat, he snagged the paper lunch sack and handed it to her. “Your coffee is in the cup holder.”

“I don’t know how you managed to avoid the altar. You cook. You make coffee. You, sir, are a catch.”

“Let’s see if you still think that by the end of our date.”

Her grin lit up her entire face. He could get used to seeing her smile. Hopefully, she’d enjoy the day, and he’d have more chances to spend time with her in the future.

In a clearing in the woods, Becky stood beside Reece. He’d forced her to join him even when she’d tried to make excuses why she couldn’t. Bile rose in her throat as Byron and Walter were forced to their knees. This was her fault. She could speak now and save them, but then the bullet would penetrate the back of her skull instead. She closed her eyes.

Reece’s arm circled her neck. “I want you to watch. You provided the intel that will end their lives. It seems fitting you should watch their executions. He was toying with her. She was almost certain he knew she’d lied, but doubt niggled around the edges of her consciousness as Reece released her and fired his weapon. Two shots in quick succession. No room for error. It was over, but her body shook uncontrollably.

“Don’t worry, Becky. They won’t be causing any more trouble for us. Now you can resume your normal duties without fear of them usurping my authority.”

He wasn’t the authority. The jade was, and she’d kept it hidden all these years. Now Malachi had it, and once the rest of the community knew it, he would be their true leader. He’d be able to communicate with the gods through the jade. All she needed to do was release her doubts and trust the jade. Just because she hadn’t been able to use it the way Ezekiel had didn’t make it any less real. It obviously didn’t communicate with women. Why that surprised her, she couldn’t say. She’d accepted that she wouldn’t be the leader, but someone had to remove Reece from that position.

Cate’s throat was raw from singing along during the concert. Malachi reached for her hand, and she could think of no good reason not to thread her fingers with his. He was incredible. A morning bird walk. Lunch at Allen Street Grill. Then a concert. It was an incredible day. Exhausting, but wonderful. He released her hand and opened the passenger door for her and she slid into his truck for the drive back to her apartment. They pulled up outside her place but remained in the vehicle, both silent for a long moment.

“I’d welcome you in, but it’s late.”

“Let me walk you to your door.”

She nodded, and he slipped out and came around to her side, offering his hand as she stepped down. When they reached her door, she unlocked it, then turned to face him. His eyes met hers, and she could see the question there.

“I’d better get inside.”

“Good night, Cate.” His lips brushed hers before he lifted her chin so she was forced to meet his eyes. “I’d like to do this again. Soon.”

“The kiss?” It may have been quick, but even after he’d pulled away, she could feel where his lips had touched hers. A repeat performance would be welcome.

“Yes, but I meant the date. Will you go out with me again?”

“I’d love to.”

His lips met hers in another gentle kiss. Just a whisper of his lips against hers. It wasn’t enough. She wanted more. Her arms circled his neck, and her fingers got lost in his soft waves. A moan escaped her throat, reminding her that a kiss was as far as it could go.

A throat cleared behind her, and she jumped.

“What have we here?” Grayson asked.

Heat rushed to her face. Only her brother would show up when they knew she was out on a date. She had the most embarrassing family in the universe. “What are you doing in my apartment?” Her tone came out exasperated, but she didn’t care. He shouldn’t be here.

The murderous expression in Malachi’s eyes made her shake her head and place a calming hand on his bicep. “It’s just my brother.”
