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Seth’s chest rose. “I don’t know. I didn’t stay around to check. Something blew up, but I’m not sure what.”

Clary licked her lips. “Could you two hang around here and keep an eye out for Hugh? Call me if you see him.”

Oliver and Aldric nodded.

“Let’s go to EB Co.”


Clary leaned against the doorframe and stared at the tree. “I’m glad it didn’t blow up the tree.”

“It should have,” Seth said and ran his hand through his hair as he moved around the first floor of the apartment, surveying the damage.

In the middle of the living room, where the couch used to be, was a hole through the floor.

There were some holes in the walls, but no damage to the ‘Jesus loves me’ poster.

A building inspector had already come by. The structure was safe, but Seth hadn’t allowed Clary to enter the apartment.

“The inspector said not to go near the hole.”

“I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

She pouted. “So I can only admire our horrendous Christmas tree from over here?” She straightened. “What about the kitchen appliances you ordered?”

“I texted Tony to hold the orders.”

“Huh.” She returned her shoulder to the door frame.

“I’m sorry,” Seth said. “But I guess the food will go to waste.”

“That seems like a complete non-issue after what we’ve been through today. Could you check if Hugh’s well enough to be discharged? I don’t want him to spend Christmas in the hospital unless absolutely necessary.”

Seth laughed and shook his head, at the same time she did.

He was probably thinking about the same thing she was.

She’d wondered where Hugh had gone after the explosion. Turned out, he’d been the first to spot Gavin. Ron had only spotted Gavin because he saw Hugh making a mad dash toward a man. Hugh hadn’t caught Gavin, though.

Instead, he’d been beaten up and left—unconscious—in an alley.

Ron and Zane were already ahead of her, so Andrea had stayed back to make sure Hugh got to the hospital without any further incident.

“I’ve recently found out that I inherited a huge mansion.”


“I’m on the third floor, which has three bedrooms. The second has four. All the rooms come with an ensuite bathroom. There’s even an outbuilding that doubles as a guesthouse, sufficient for two.”

Seth poked his tongue into his cheek.

“If Elton and Aldric don’t want to stay in the main house, they can use the outbuilding. It’s beautiful. Glass walls. Great view.”

“I’m not sure they’d agree.”

“I don’t know what it takes to fix a hole in the floor, but I’m assuming major work? And I’m not sure how the building is still safe when it has a hole in one of the floors.”

“The structural integrity isn’t affected.”
