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“What did the building inspector say?” Mr. E asked.

“That the building is structurally safe,” Seth answered.

Clary nodded slowly. “Zane says the couch absorbed most of the blast so the apartment wasn’t that badly damaged. I’m not sure how having a hole in the floor is considered ‘not that badly damaged.’”

Mr. E took a few steps into the apartment and scanned the place, his gaze landing on the Christmas tree.

“Seth bought too many decorations.” Clary stepped up next to Mr. E. “We ended up playing a game, letting whoever won hang the next ornament.”

Mr. E laughed and nodded, then slanted his torso toward her. “I’m guessing you’re the reason that poster is on the wall.”

Biting down on her lips to hide her smile, she shrugged. “Seth bought it.”

“Sure.” Mr. E turned. “Let’s go, Giulia.”

“What about Hugh?” Clary asked.

“Ahh.” Mr. E rubbed his hands together. “I was hoping you’d give him a job?”


“I heard you have a team who will be calling affected customers to apologize for the bank’s mistakes. Don’t you think that Hugh should be one of the people making those calls?”

“He should be the only one calling,” Grandma Moretti said.

“Hugh wouldn’t—”

“I’ve talked to him. He will—if you’re agreeable, of course.”

She flicked her brows up. “Sure. Where will he stay, then?” She snapped her fingers. “Andrea had a lease. A terrible apartment with at least one rat running around.”

Mr. E laughed and headed toward the elevator. “I’ll let you make the decision.”

“That sounds like the perfect place for Hugh.” Grandma Moretti gave her a peck on both cheeks. “Stay out of trouble.” She glanced over at Seth, then back at Clary. “Just in case you feel so grateful that you decide to marry him, I thought I’d remind you that you said you’d only marry a Christian.”

“Holly had all of us baptized,” Seth said from behind her.

“Well then, nothing’s stopping you.”

Clary’s eyes widened. “Please just go.”

Grandma Moretti smiled at Seth. “New York is no place to raise a child.”

“Nonna, your fickle-mindedness is giving me a whiplash. It was only yesterday that you said you didn’t approve.”

“You said you loved him.”

Clary cleared her throat.

Grandma Moretti glanced between them. “You did tell him before you told me, right?”


“Good!” Grandma Moretti clapped once, then gave Seth a squeeze on the arm. “You get permanent consent when I see a ring on her hand.”

“I bought her the one she’s wearing.”

Clary sighed and smacked a hand to her face, while Grandma Moretti gasped.
