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He grinned. “Go.” Before he decided to hold her hostage again.


Seth really shouldn’t be surprised, but Clary was right. People really were a lot nicer with food … and some liquor.

Andrea had brought the hot chocolate Clary requested, along with several six-packs and a few bottles of wine. Aldric contributed to the liquor load with some hard liquor he had at his own place.

And as they ate and drank, Aldric and Elton really took up the challenge to try their best to annoy Clary.

Several times, Seth was tempted to put a stop to it, but Clary handled it like a professional. She gave back as good as she got, only she did it in a completely sweet and innocent tone, even throwing in a few beaming smiles.

Her new assistant, Andrea Lowe, was loyal to the core. Together, the two of them basically decimated Aldric and Elton. The ladies were so good at it that they even drew Oliver into throwing in a couple of retorts for them.

Seth and Zane simply sat back and watched.

Watched and laughed.

Eventually, Aldric got sick of getting trounced, so he started a drinking game. One game led to the next, and then they were playing to hang their chosen decorations while everybody else had to drink.

Now, the Christmas tree was really a complete mess, and everyone had collapsed on the floor in his living room.

Only he and Clary remained on the couch.

“You hold your liquor very well,” Aldric said, his words slightly slurring as he slumped forward onto the coffee table. He stretched his arms across the surface and dropped his head down.

Seth hadn’t drunk much because he was too busy watching Clary. Initially, it was to make sure she didn’t drink too much, but he realized it was a non-issue.

Because Clary could drink.

Even Aldric the party animal was pretty much out of it, but Clary? Her cheeks were slightly flushed, but that was it.

“Come on. Tell me honestly.” Aldric lifted his head off the coffee table. “Why are you with him?”

Seth’s chest rose, but he didn’t say a word.

“All he ever did was nag about expenses and budgets.” Aldric waved his hand in the air. “Otherwise, he’d be hiding in his little corner, building one of his silly little toys.”

Seth knew his brothers always found him annoying and boring.

They didn’t understand why he’d spend hours fixing or building something instead of playing games with them. They always yawned and rolled their eyes when he talked about how he was planning and budgeting for their furniture and renovations.

But none of them had actually voiced it.

And of course, Aldric had to do it now—to Clary.

“I think you’ve had a little too much to drink,” Clary said.

At her words, Seth released the breath he was holding.

“Ahh …” Aldric dropped his head back on the coffee table. “You guys haven’t been together long enough for you to experience it.”

“Aldric,” Seth said in a warning tone.

“She should know,” his brother said to the table. “She’ll end up leaving you anyway.”

Seth ran his tongue under his teeth and turned his face away. He’d always considered himself and his brothers a single unit. They had always been on the same team. They had stayed together and survived Holly Eolenfeld.

No matter what happened, he had never, and would never turn his back on them.
