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Clary pushed the corners of her lips down. “Impressive.”

“Of course.” Andrea wriggled her brows. “Shall we?”

“Yes.” Clary strode toward the men gathered around the Hayes Security trucks. “I’m Clary Fiore.”

A man stepped up and extended his hand. “Edison Gadow. I’m the team leader.” He glanced to his side, and another man stepped forward. “Ken Mills. He’s the second-in-command. I’ll remain at the main control center, and he’ll stay with you.”

Clary nodded. “Are your men ready?”

“Just awaiting your orders.”

“Let’s go, then.”

Clary, along with Andrea, Edison, Ken, and twelve other men took the first elevator up to the bank’s lobby. They didn’t wait for the second elevator. She strode ahead with Edison, walking straight toward the door.

The bank wasn’t open to the public as yet, so only office staff were present.

And everyone’s eyes were on them.

“Miss Fiore,” the security man she stopped in front of greeted her.

“Go back to the security department. These men will take over your duties for now.”

The current team threw glances at each other.

“Were my instructions unclear?”

“No, ma’am.” Despite saying that, the men still hesitated.

Edison’s men, her new security team, didn’t bother to wait. They simply took up their positions.

A wave of murmurs rose in the background among the staff, amid the muted quiet before the doors officially opened to the public.

Clary turned and headed back toward the elevator, where a second security team stood ready.

The current security guards followed after her.

“Are you firing us, Miss Fiore?” one of the security guards asked as they followed behind her.

“That’s up to you.” She stopped outside the elevator and gestured for them to enter first. “I’ll take the next one.”

The rest of the security department should know what was going on. They could see it through the CCTV, but she was sure they wouldn’t believe she would take such drastic action.

Clary smiled when the elevator door closed.

In the reflection, Andrea was grinning from ear to ear. “Your do-not-mess-with-me face is good.”

“Of course.” She needed to have that look down when she worked at Safe Homes. While abusers would pretend to be charming and amiable, it never lasted. Once she’d made it clear that she wasn’t just another person who would walk away, the masks came off.

But bullies were great profilers. They only ever bullied people whom they knew could be bullied.

She might not always feel as brave as her do-not-mess-with-me face looked, but it was enough to deter most abusers from trying anything stupid with her.

“Everyone’s going to be waiting for the hammer to drop on them,” Andrea continued.

Clary didn’t meet the eyes with any of the other employees, but she could see them gathering and probably discussing what she was up to. They would find out soon enough. Lord, give me the right words and surround Andrea and me with your favor and protection.

When the elevator doors opened, the entire security department seemed to be out in the elevator lobby. They backed up when Clary and her Hayes Security team stepped out of the elevator.
